TKS/TSS/THS new tequilla WR 8.07 !
It was fantastic to be a part of, great atmosphere on TS.
Screenshot for proof:
He melted pretty much xD
Awesomeness ! Tequatl is part of the easy bosses now, huehue, need more Anet !
Gratz guys! Now they can make Jormag and the others challanging! Then we can make guilds to take those down and Guild Wars 2 will be filled with Dragon killing guilds!
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
Gratz guys! Now they can make Jormag and the others challanging! Then we can make guilds to take those down and Guild Wars 2 will be filled with Dragon killing guilds!
We allrdy have the guilds txs won’t disband . We will just wait for the next dragon
/sarcasm I should have said. It doesnt look like anyone is interested in the kill time for Teq and what not. That was so like last month
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
Congrats I guess? Are people still even bothering with doing that? I thought it was pretty much a dead event now.
Congrats I guess? Are people still even bothering with doing that? I thought it was pretty much a dead event now.
Well the event for us is alive , we kill him 1-2 time evry day
.Plus i want my minipet + the scepter skin from tequilla
/sarcasm I should have said. It doesnt look like anyone is interested in the kill time for Teq and what not. That was so like last month
There are alot of ppl interested in this kind of things ^^.For example 1500ppl from txs or even more from TTS i guess .
Is there free spot in guild and can someone invite me? I am from EU server Gandara! Thank you!
Is there free spot in guild and can someone invite me? I am from EU server Gandara! Thank you!
Send a mail to Kehxd or Shehr.