(edited by neon.4863)
Taking Character Art Requests (on hold!)
Well give ya some practice material then this is Kagera and Rhaygan, Kagera a thief with a big ego (everything he do he do for his own benefit), And then we got Rhaygan a kind hearted warrior that rather die than fight dirty.
They don’t hate each other but keep a distance from one another.
You can do what u want with em or one of em depending if u want to do both, one or none
*slooowly leans in* Oh, hello there awesome person, don’t mind if I leave this here~
BEHOLD! Runt Hack, the flamethrower wielding, goggle wearing, indecently grinning mad scientist Charr!
He likes long rockets on the beach (Darn Orrian ships!), gratuitous exposions under a starry sky and fire. Feel free to experiment with an action pose, the crazier and more explosion/flamethrowery the better ^^ Thanks for the thread!
Ahoy! Here’s some pics of my thief, Nocti, should you wish to draw her. Feel free to experiment as you like ^^
Thanks for taking the time and offering your skills.
Oooh… I’d love to see what you can do with my Asura, Aethariel. Also known as ‘Sneak’ as she’s a sneaky little so-and-so. Enjoys her work as a spy. Her large eyes and innocent expression help with the ‘innocent’ look she’s trying to cultivate. When working she’s never without her hooded outfit to try and conceal her identity, or at least a mask.
As an elementalalist she mostly works with fire, but also air to enable those lightning teleports to get her out of danger. She’s also been known to turn in to animals, and on occasion, furniture. She either wields an asuran staff, or a pair of wicked daggers, in combat.
Hello good sir, I have a Norn engineer who wishes to look bad*ss with his flamethrower. If you could draw like this, I would be extremely grateful. The twist? Make him chibi. Thanks!
Thanks for all the requests! I have a most unfortunate dentist appointment now but I’ll get back to these (and the PM I got) when I return.
Holy crap you’re awesome! I’d love to see what you could do with my character! Thank you so much for taking the opportunity to bring people’s characters to life
My character is a Human Ranger named Aonoa I like her gentle appearance and soft green eyes. I think her sincere attitude lends quite well to a ranger and nature lover ^^
Aonoa Lvl 80 Ranger
LineArk Federation
(edited by Rokk.1670)
Well give ya some practice material then
this is Kagera and Rhaygan, Kagera a thief with a big ego (everything he do he do for his own benefit), And then we got Rhaygan a kind hearted warrior that rather die than fight dirty.
Look man you were supposed to be kind hearted!!!!
(probably out of character, sorry… also a dirty sketch because jesus how do you charr)
slooowly leans in Oh, hello there awesome person, don’t mind if I leave this here~
BEHOLD! Runt Hack, the flamethrower wielding, goggle wearing, indecently grinning mad scientist Charr!
He likes long rockets on the beach (Darn Orrian ships!), gratuitous exposions under a starry sky and fire. Feel free to experiment with an action pose, the crazier and more explosion/flamethrowery the better ^^ Thanks for the thread!
OK so regrettably I don’t know Charr anatomy well enough to pull off proper crazy poses with them, so I made up for it by making it quite flamethrowery.
If I had to justify the flamethrower’s absurd position I’d say that’s how after much experimenting he finally got the kitten thing to hit something.
Ahoy! Here’s some pics of my thief, Nocti, should you wish to draw her. Feel free to experiment as you like ^^
Thanks for taking the time and offering your skills.
Ah, human (…Norn?) anatomy! Now that I can go crazy with while not making something completely anatomically incorrect.
…Sometimes, anyway.
Flamethrowers are a doddle to aim for such a genius as Runt ;P
Thank you for the speedy picture! I’ll put it somewhere above the fireplace
If I may be so bold, would you frown upon me asking another request for a more human character?
Looks awesome, thanks! And yeah, she’s a norn, probably should’ve mentioned >.>
Flamethrowers are a doddle to aim for such a genius as Runt ;P
Thank you for the speedy picture! I’ll put it somewhere above the fireplace
If I may be so bold, would you frown upon me asking another request for a more human character?
I would frown upon you with the fury of a thousand suns… flamethrowers? Anyway it’d be a very hot fury.
Actually no, I wouldn’t! Go right ahead.
Sorry the Charr pictures aren’t very dynamic I’m just like HOW DO I CATS.
Otherwise I am glad you guys like my silly sketches! Thanks for helping me practice with prompts.
Edit: Also mister Runt sir please teach me the ways of scoring flamethrower hits because it is a mystery to me
(edited by neon.4863)
I like you. I like you a lot, please stay long time.
Here is my Guild Wars relic, Albacus Uruz. Originally an Assassin/Elementalist, dual dagger Ele is just perfect. He’s how I plan for him to be Soon™ once I’ve run enough explorables, the idea being he’s a Noble who likes to get his hands dirty with exploding knives. Feel free to try something acrobatic or dangerous ^^
This is my charr Gromlaw Blazehide. Be free with doing whatever you want with him! haha would just like to see what you can do with him (i know you mentioned that you’re not a fan of charr anatomy), but if you got time then take a shot at it!
Look at him. He’s plotting something. Probably ways to drive me insane wondering how to draw Charr. That’s your plan, I know this. You cannot fool me.
(I’ll probably give it a shot anyway! Taking a break for now, and hoping the Asura will treat me more nicely than Charr.)
If you draw this guy, in a kitten action pose, weilding Sunrise, i’ll a) treasure it and make it my desktop and bg and b) ink and colour it and repost here! Or, dual weilding his trusty sword and Faithful axe (Screenie 2).
(edited by Riffian.5908)
Look at him. He’s plotting something. Probably ways to drive me insane wondering how to draw Charr. That’s your plan, I know this. You cannot fool me.
haha kitten you’re too quick!
Wow Nocti the Thief is awesome! Great body work I’ve always struggled with anything besides a standing pose hahah. Nice job!
Aonoa Lvl 80 Ranger
LineArk Federation
Thanks! There are probably some errors because I’m doing these without any references (to try and force myself out of the “people standing around” comfort zone). But it’s fun to make.
Oooh… I’d love to see what you can do with my Asura, Aethariel. Also known as ‘Sneak’ as she’s a sneaky little so-and-so. Enjoys her work as a spy. Her large eyes and innocent expression help with the ‘innocent’ look she’s trying to cultivate. When working she’s never without her hooded outfit to try and conceal her identity, or at least a mask.
As an elementalalist she mostly works with fire, but also air to enable those lightning teleports to get her out of danger. She’s also been known to turn in to animals, and on occasion, furniture. She either wields an asuran staff, or a pair of wicked daggers, in combat.
She’s also been known to hover mysteriously over the ground while wielding invisible daggers and producing lousy fire effects underneath. That takes skill!
…OK so Asura aren’t as painful as Charr but gosh I am just so used to humans. I totally didn’t know what the daggers looked like, so they are a blank space. I know, I know. Trying to think of dynamic poses for Asura is hard because they’re very small, but I managed something! Something that doesn’t make any sense, but something.
Hello good sir, I have a Norn engineer who wishes to look bad*ss with his flamethrower. If you could draw like this, I would be extremely grateful. The twist? Make him chibi. Thanks!
This is the bad***est, kawaiiest Norn engineer. If you disagree, you’re in for burning.
(I somehow skipped over the part where he was supposed to have a bad*** pose. Sorry about that.)
Hello good sir, I have a Norn engineer who wishes to look bad*ss with his flamethrower. If you could draw like this, I would be extremely grateful. The twist? Make him chibi. Thanks!
This is the bad***est, kawaiiest Norn engineer. If you disagree, you’re in for burning.
(I somehow skipped over the part where he was supposed to have a bad*** pose. Sorry about that.)
Ohhh so cute and yet so fierce, exactly what I wanted. Thanks a million and don’t worry this is kitten even without a pose.
can you do a skritt stealing stuff stuff stuff?
She’s also been known to hover mysteriously over the ground while wielding invisible daggers and producing lousy fire effects underneath. That takes skill!
…OK so Asura aren’t as painful as Charr but gosh I am just so used to humans. I totally didn’t know what the daggers looked like, so they are a blank space. I know, I know. Trying to think of dynamic poses for Asura is hard because they’re very small, but I managed something! Something that doesn’t make any sense, but something.
Thank you so much! She looks amazing
Wow, I love your drawings. If you have the time I’d love to see your take on one of my characters. As I have a sea of alts I narrowed it down to two of them and I’d love to see your take on either!
First there’s Donna Ravensong, norn necromancer. Despite appearances she’s often quiet and sometimes quite shy. She’s sometimes seen in the company of a black cat, which is small by comparisson to her but not entirely dwarfed (she’s a tiny norn)
Then there’s Kixi Dawn, Sylvari ranger. Wide-eyed, enthusastic, perky. She favours using a longbow if she’s fighting but tries to avoid it instead choosing to talk to people if she can. She almost always has her fern hound ‘Skritch’ with her.
Feel free to poke me if you want more information. I just didn’t want to go nuts with things. Feel free to exercise artistic license and go nuts with playing with poses etc and thanks so much for doing this for people.
heya! here’s my Asura elementalist. he’s small and angry most of the time, but i’ll let you go wild on him and apply any style of drawing that you feel needs more attention
thanks for doing this ^^
can you draw me these!? I will feature them in one of my youtube videos!
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I’ll just attach four images and let you choose. I’d suggest Kaeweir, my Norn Engineer, because she looks more interesting than my low-level characters. >_>
Can you draw me and some of my guildies?
Can u do my mesmer professor flapp evil genius style, the thief a bit kittenty, the warior kinda annoyed and the silvary like she is some kind of a hippy? Thx in advance
(edited by Bananamaniac.6472)
HEyyy wanna paint my character? She is a mesmer and her name is Aaltje Shrimp can u paint a Shrimp with her?
And paint her a little bit as a crazy woman? would be very nice ! Thanks already
And I like blue, yellow and pink just like her clothes
(edited by brandbast.8065)
heya! here’s my Asura elementalist. he’s small and angry most of the time, but i’ll let you go wild on him and apply any style of drawing that you feel needs more attention
thanks for doing this ^^
Tackling this first since MaideN sent me a PM before anyone commented here, but I couldn’t open the images and asked them to comment with them – so they asked before other people in spite of posting after.
Anyway I took some artistic liberties with this sketchy depiction of your elementalist. He didn’t seem very pleased.
I like you. I like you a lot, please stay long time.
Here is my Guild Wars relic, Albacus Uruz. Originally an Assassin/Elementalist, dual dagger Ele is just perfect. He’s how I plan for him to be Soon™ once I’ve run enough explorables, the idea being he’s a Noble who likes to get his hands dirty with exploding knives. Feel free to try something acrobatic or dangerous ^^
Maybe he ought to rethink exploding knives. Just sayin’.
(I… went a little literal there, oops.)
D: kitten i want one but im not in my computer, ill post laters with a screenshot
(edited by Fsnowzombie.4352)
I know I have asked for a sketch already, but it was so nicely done, that I just have to ask for another one. This time my human ele wants to be in the spotlight. She is a little hot-blooded and therefore wants to be drawn in a, let’s say seductive manner. Be creative with her. And again thanks.
I was hoping perhaps you could make a sketch of my Guardian? I absolutely love the sketches you’ve done so far and I’d love to have one as my desktop, or perhaps to get framed or something. They all look great! I mostly play a tank role in my groups, and I was hoping perhaps you could do something divine, yet with a twisted “dark” side. I had envisioned the Guardian kneeling down but perhaps with like a demonic apparition hanging over his back? That would be absolutely awesome. However, anything would be cool, just do him justice! Thanks in advance!
(edited by Vincent Von Demetri.1450)
here it is my guardian, she is quite playful and all around happy, if possible i would like her summoning her spirit sword or poking ppl in the eyes with it
This is my charr Gromlaw Blazehide. Be free with doing whatever you want with him! haha would just like to see what you can do with him (i know you mentioned that you’re not a fan of charr anatomy), but if you got time then take a shot at it!
This was supposed to be an attempt at a charr chibi, but then it turned into… i don’t know. Your evil plan to make me suffer has succeeded. I hope you’re happy. Here is a vial of my tears and blood for you to keep as a souvenir.
^ What are you talking about!? It looks great! And you said had problems with Charr! , pfffft! Keep up the good work!
Aw thanks! (i still have problems with charr tho /flips charr)
If you draw this guy, in a kitten action pose, weilding Sunrise, i’ll a) treasure it and make it my desktop and bg and b) ink and colour it and repost here! Or, dual weilding his trusty sword and Faithful axe (Screenie 2).
I’m going to come back to this sketch later, so it’s a WIP – it’s 3:45 AM and I should probably sleep fff.
Edit: Oh yeah, this pose was partially referenced. I searched google images for “greatsword stance”, saw something I liked and tried a similar pose – it’s probably still totally incorrect though. /o\
he is never pleased
thanks a lot it looks great! keep up the good work ^^
Would it be alright if you did my Dezz, when you had time?
The li’l guardian’s got a rather devil-may-care attitude, though pretty laid back.
That said however you’d want to draw him is fine, though I’d appreciate it if it were in a form that lent itself to being colorized.
Thanks for your potential time!
Oh that would be nice.
Screenshot: http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/79/shalacollection.jpg
Her love for the necromancy arts took her to Oola who was also trying to combine Necromancy with Golemancy. Secretly she experimented herself at an old golemsuit graveyard, where the old golems were discarded if they were no longer useful. What Shala did not know was that in the old golemsuit that she was trying to reanimate was the corpse of an female Asura. The experiment failed and Shala blacked out only to awake not in her own body but that of the asura.
This was just a set back to her quest, she will eventually, just like Oola combine Necromancy and Golemancy.
Charactername: Shala Jarias
Character Age: 30ish (although Necromancy stopped the aging process)
Class: Necromancer
Looks: Red dreads with a black hairband to keep them out of her face, under her mask she has pure white eyes, has several tribal-like scarifications on her body, inked with blood
can you draw me these two in chibi style??? (norn can be either armor which you prefer)
Personal Story, WvsW , Guild Missions, Living Story and so much more.
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Oh man these are turning out so awesome! I can’t wait to see mine
Aonoa Lvl 80 Ranger
LineArk Federation
Aw thanks! (i still have problems with charr tho /flips charr)
If you draw this guy, in a kitten action pose, weilding Sunrise, i’ll a) treasure it and make it my desktop and bg and b) ink and colour it and repost here! Or, dual weilding his trusty sword and Faithful axe (Screenie 2).
I’m going to come back to this sketch later, so it’s a WIP – it’s 3:45 AM and I should probably sleep fff.
Edit: Oh yeah, this pose was partially referenced. I searched google images for “greatsword stance”, saw something I liked and tried a similar pose – it’s probably still totally incorrect though. /o\
OK so for Sunrise I shamelessly traced over an in-game model for contours because jesus sword aren’t you fancy. He’s also not quite holding it properly because only after I made his hands I realized they should’ve been positioned differently but I got… lazy…
It’s probably not good enough to be a desktop picture but I had fun with it anyway!
OK so for Sunrise I shamelessly traced over an in-game model for contours because jesus sword aren’t you fancy. He’s also not quite holding it properly because only after I made his hands I realized they should’ve been positioned differently but I got… lazy…
It’s probably not good enough to be a desktop picture but I had fun with it anyway!
That is awesome!, do you mind if I ink/colour it? The pose is fantastic, I didn’t even notice the hands. Really great job! Thank you!
you are too modest, neon, that’s a great pic with a greatsword!
I am the opposite of modest, I just admit it when I’m too lazy to get things done properly (which is always). But thank you!
OK so for Sunrise I shamelessly traced over an in-game model for contours because jesus sword aren’t you fancy. He’s also not quite holding it properly because only after I made his hands I realized they should’ve been positioned differently but I got… lazy…
It’s probably not good enough to be a desktop picture but I had fun with it anyway!
That is awesome!, do you mind if I ink/colour it? The pose is fantastic, I didn’t even notice the hands. Really great job! Thank you!
I absolutely don’t mind! If you can tell where the heck the lines are for my crappy sketch I commend you. I’m glad you liked it!
Wow, I love your drawings. If you have the time I’d love to see your take on one of my characters. As I have a sea of alts I narrowed it down to two of them and I’d love to see your take on either!
First there’s Donna Ravensong, norn necromancer. Despite appearances she’s often quiet and sometimes quite shy. She’s sometimes seen in the company of a black cat, which is small by comparisson to her but not entirely dwarfed (she’s a tiny norn)
Then there’s Kixi Dawn, Sylvari ranger. Wide-eyed, enthusastic, perky. She favours using a longbow if she’s fighting but tries to avoid it instead choosing to talk to people if she can. She almost always has her fern hound ‘Skritch’ with her.
Feel free to poke me if you want more information. I just didn’t want to go nuts with things. Feel free to exercise artistic license and go nuts with playing with poses etc and thanks so much for doing this for people.
Hi I’m not sure what happened to your necro’s hips I swear they looked fine when I sketched the skeleton but then this happened
…I have no idea what the size ratio from cat to small Norn would be, so I totally winged this. And her hands (I’ve been winging hands for a while now, I should stop that…)