The Mighty Jumping Karka! (LA JP)
It’s beautiful, thank you.
Wow. That’s…. all I can say.
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
Oh gawd! It growing! Shoot it down!
/grab rifle
nice job
It’s a beautiful video – I liked karka before, even if this affection was one-sided in Southsun. Since I watched the perilous journey of a little guy determined to scuttle its way over the roofs of LA, not fearing the night, balancing delicateIy over wires and ropes, I can only admire this race.
Thank you!
Whoever designed that should have his hands smashed into a fine paste as a warning to the next dev who thinks a JP should ever be that long. My hands were cramping up watching that.
RIP City of Heroes
Whoever designed that should have his hands smashed into a fine paste as a warning to the next dev who thinks a JP should ever be that long. My hands were cramping up watching that.
U could always do it on an alt and log off when u need a break. or Mesmer portal and cheat.
I thought it was fun and went through on my Guardian alt w/o failing but took a 30min break when I was like 75% through. Not liek standing there would knock me off.