(edited by Yseron.8613)
Toying with the conditions system
I cleaned up the code, fixed some bugs, added damages floaters. Normally the link to download the related Unity project is still valid because google drive automatically handle the versioning of the submitted versions
Now that the trivial garbage is done i’m can start the interesting part: the PID controller !
I finished my experimentations and my conclusion is that there is definitively a place for improvement in gw2 using the event mobs death rate instead of, or in conjonction with the number of players present in the an event area
. Added stacking policies:
- stack in duration
- stack in intensity
- Isolated ticks samples
Cleaned up code removing un-necessary garbage like the popup hint for icons
Side note for self: wouldnt it be a good idea to rip gw2 3d models with 3DRipperDx to have a real gw2 scene in this exemple ?
Before attacking the creation of skills which will fatally be followed by the ui that show your equiped skills i prepared the terrain for skills description. For that purpose i made a quick detour to add variables injections in formated texts. It allows strings, localized or not, to incorporate expressions that are evaluated at run time, but with the advantage of not having to make players download a new build each time you change the skills attributes or the skills descriptions that are usually separately stored on another server (except for gw2). It allow(ed) (in the golden age) to jump to the pvp server of your choice with different rules without having to get another version of the executable.
I take on the occasion to tell you to never buy anything in the asset store related to trivial things like variables injections. In our industry we do it without even thinking. So dont spend a penny for that
Added all the remaining conditions and boons after constating that the skills i was adding had some effects i had not yet setup, which allowed me to find a bug on the way
Added targeting hud and widgets custom animation system (not a full one as i do for engines since there is already one in Unity)
Added creatures manifest and creatures factory, creatures are now instanced just by provinding a creature id. Added channeling bar + some fixes and a huge cleanup. I will have to be modeling soon and i am more picasso than michael angelo…
I thought i wouldnt be able to model me a tuby but it seems like i was able to do things with Scupltris
We can now rotate the camera by hoding a key (the keys for the skills and the mouse look are already bindable). Created, textured and animated a place holder for the creature (the final one wont be a teletuby…hopefully) with blender (i got someone to kill, the one who created the interface user experience)
- Populate skills
- Replace scenery place holder with final scenery
- Replace creature place holder with final creature
- Be able to move (the anim is already here and trigger automatically upon detecting movements)
Submitted a new version:
- Some refactorings with a more logic distribution of datas and cleaner / faster processing
- Added skills chains mechanism (skills desc already had skills chains infos but the chains themseleves werent implemented)
- Implemented the first skills: Blood Curse, Rending Curse and Putrid Curse
- Replaced screen space 2D nameplates with 3d ones equiped with adaptive scale
- You and entities can now move
- Implement the other skills
- Create final scenery
- Final creatures modelisation (see attachment)
- Fixed a shamefull bug in AnimTrack and AnimInstance (chained skills now switch icons correctly upon receiving an anim event)
- Learned to UV unwrap
- Updated the curved tree model with the new UVs
Added foliage to have a glimpse of what it will give in game (if only i could focus on code instead of wasting 99 of my time doing artists stuff)
- Fixed some bugs
- Proximity infos are now packed in their own utility class
- Implemented the skill “Grasping Dead”, the other skills are pretty straightforward but this one needed that i make a model, its texture and an animation for the arm
- Implemented the skills: Feast of corruption, Spinal Shivers and consume souls
- Refactored, Finished and cleaned up the generic SkillImplementation::ApplyEffects(), isolated some functions in RemoveEffects(typeFilter) and ConvertEffects(typeFilter)
- Fixed some memory leaks and bugs
- Danced disco
- Implemented “Suffer” and “Chilled To The Bone”
- Improved the visual quality of marks that now use an additive shader
- Fixed some bugs
- Added an option to sort proximity infos
- Added an “out of range” display info
- Implemented the last skill “Reaper’s Touch”. Used UV rotations to avoid interacting with the transform used by the physic engine on the reaper touch projectile
From now on i will be able to turn my attention to graphic assets for the scenery and the creatures
- Reaper touch:
. Improved the fx of the scythe (particles now based on distance traveled)
. Resolved a problems related to collisions (see screenshot for the code) after i discovered a function in the manual
- Implemented passive effects of chilled, criplled, slow, quickness, swiftness, vuln. etc
- Added skills direct damages
- Added direct damages indicators
- Added camera collisions
- Begun modeling props for the boss encounter
I’m begining to get the hang of Blender. UVs are now fun as hell (select, w+align, G x/y etc)
(edited by Yseron.8613)
Finished a prop set (normally i would only have to code, but since we cant get anet resources i have to model everything)
Finished the minimal room where the action will take place. However, after implementing the boss, i will stop updating my shared project until the contest have a winner
Begun to replace characters models place holders. I will keep the parts that i only know to model by sculpting, while the tris under the clothes / armor will be deleted later.
Once i finished the armor, i will make it so like the clothes overflow a little over the edges of it, like being tightened by it
- Recollected from old memories how to make animation masks for specific parts of the body (i had made a tool to automatically handle more than 200 anims per character on ABC Murders and yet it took me 10 minutes to remember what was where and how)
- Created a cast anmiation for the charaters which play only on the upper body
- Created a listeners class used by skill sets to notify their owner about skills events so that they can launch anims accordingly
(edited by Yseron.8613)
Finished all the skills animations (i am not an artist) and reworked the class AnimSelector with per-layer datas and the possibility to play directly an anim without having to use triggers or other parameters
(edited by Yseron.8613)
Abyssal listening to Van Hallen: he’s jumping !
The model for the Abyssal is done, we are getting close to the date of the gw2 mini game contest….
- Rigged and animated the Abyssal (only the stand anim for the moment)
- Made a pass on skills effects so that they adapt to creatures sizes
- Fixed a bug where creatures life pools and speed were retrieved using creature type instead of creature id
- Made a pass so that it now function like any spawner in this world (now use a collection of spawn locations that you place in the world) since i’m going to need it
- Got my kitten handled by the abyssals before i even started to code them
- Will submit the latest version (both the runtime and the unity project) in 10 minutes
- Added the Abyssal run and attack animations
- Added some collision functions
(edited by Yseron.8613)
- Added avatar icons in the target huds
- Added a scale paramater in the Creatures descs (Abyssal grunts are a scaled down version of the Abyssal Generals)
- Discovered a trick to easily do acceptable run animations and with fewer keys, subsequently redone Hesiod run animation. Modified Abyssal slash attack animation
Finished my little detour to add the auto generated skils infos popups contents and, as always, submitted on the google drive the latest versions of the runtime and the project
- Sanitized the skills facts code
- Adjusted skills facts layout
- And just realized i will have to add a pointer check on desc after posting the screenshot
- Added the warrior skill Hammer Bash to the abyssals skills set
- Added the warrior skill Devastating Hammer to the abyssals skills set
- Added knock downs capability to skills
- Added fall and get up anims to player
The knock downs works well
And you know what ? If i want i add Deep Wound to the conditions. Because i can.
(edited by Yseron.8613)
- Implemented a basic behaviour for the Abyssals (chase and hit)
- Infernal KD lock if you get knocked down by one of them
The mini game contest will soon begin!
- Generated unity path finding nav mesh and added pathfinding capability to abyssals in less than a minute (unity tutorial here. Can be resumed to hit the bake button and write a line of code as myDudelyDude.SetDestination(pos))
- Fixed a large batch of bugs
- Submitted the latest versions on the google drive
- Made love like crazy
(edited by Yseron.8613)
- Textured the shadow beast (obviously, he will be a necromancer, like in Guild Wars 1)
- Made a generic creature behaviour where creatures acquire a target, get in range of whatever skill they chose and attack (the Abyssal General will inherit from it)
- The Shadow beast have been animated and added to the creatures manifest. It is now spawned along with the other creatures
- I finihsed fixing the last creatures bugs and added the forgotten punshing movement factor in the effects descs
- Add scores
- Add retry / quit (you can already quit with esc) buttons