Tyria's Next Top Superstar: Apply Within

Tyria's Next Top Superstar: Apply Within

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aldon Vinetwig.9840

Aldon Vinetwig.9840

Calling all screenshot fanatics!

Hey guys! I’m new to the forum but a long time Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 player. I’m really keen to start up and host a competition for Guild Wars 2 that is screenshot based. It will span over a number of weeks and will hopefully give people something to follow and get involved in actively. A chance for players to reconnect with a forgotten character and explore some awesome locations throughout Tyria.

Tyria’s Next Top Superstar!

As you can probably guess from the title, it’s a Guild Wars version of America’s Next Top Model, although more focus on your character simply being epic/inspiring than necessarily a model. You will basically submit an application as one of your in-game characters and if they are chosen to compete you will be required to send in screenshots each round to model that weeks theme or concept. Just like in the show.

Prizes: Each week the winner of the round will receive 15 gold, and the overall winner of the competition will receive 100 gold, along with their choice of an outfit from the gem store!

Attached are some images from Season Zero – a mock season I ran to show as an example to people who wanted to see what the competition would be like. To see the season and it’s posts, screenshots, judges comments etc check out the wiki: http://tyrias-next-top-super-star.wikia.com/wiki/Season_Zero or our instagram: https://instagram.com/tyrias_next_top_superstar/

How this season will run:

Casting will last 2-3 weeks, dependant on how many applications I receive. We’ve already begun receiving applications from our instagram followers! So a tentative date here will be the first – second week of May.
Each week there will be a theme and the contestants will have 5 days to complete the job and send in THREE images that they think captures their model meeting the criteria of the theme. The judges will pick the best of the 3 photos from each of the contestants and then score them. At the end of each week, one person will be eliminated and the rest will move on.

Who can enter?:

Any Race, any gender, any profession.

Send applications to: TyriaNTM@gmail.com

To Apply Fill in the following Application and send it to the email:

Username on GW2Guru:
In game character’s name: (this is the name of the character you wish to enter the competition).
Your Age:
Country you are from:
How many hours of GW2 you play on average per week:
Your character’s profession:
How far through the game they are: (include their level, and map completion)
A bit of history about your character: (give your character some life – for the sake of fun)
Describe their personality: (again, just for fun – it will hopefully give the competition a bit of a role-play vibe – after all you may end up meeting a lot of contestants (or even viewers) in game).

Finally – send in THREE screenshots:

1) Photo One must be of your character wearing no armour. No costumes. Just a straightforward picture of them in their most basic form. Try not to be too zoomed out – this screenshot needs to showcase your character’s appearance as best as possible.

2) Photo Two must be of your character posing as a model. For this they can be clothed. Remember that not all armour is a sensible choice for a model. Emotes will be your friend here, as will location and lighting etc.

3) Photo Three should be an action shot. Have your character performing some kind of action but remember to focus on your character, don’t lose them to magical auras swirling round them or other in game effects that can be caused by the use of skills. This one will give us a true insight into your understanding of how to take an interesting screenshot but still capture your character as a model.

If you are selected you will be notified.

Additional Information: Cropping is allowed – but that is it. No photoshop or other enhancing programs. This includes things like GEMFX.

As a contestant you are agreeing to, and understand that your work may not always receive positive feedback. You may think your picture is perfect but a judge may disagree. In the end this competition will hopefully be about positive critiquing in the hopes of seeing improvement along the way – but contestants must be mature enough to handle the good and the bad comments. Also note that non-judges will also view and comment as well and we cannot be responsible for what they might say.

Finally, good luck to everyone who applies. I hope that this will be a really exciting competition and also interesting for people to follow along.

- Aldon Vinetwig.
