Unkillable, point defending, roaming machine; sPvP Thief.

Unkillable, point defending, roaming machine; sPvP Thief.

in Community Creations

Posted by: DeTalores.4507


Here is a link to my build. You get tons of survivability, stealth, stomp interrupt, blinds, massive aoe damage, stun break with sword.


You have tons of iniative regen, tons of dodge(be sure to use signet when you run out). A majority of your time will be spent with shortbow. Critting is awesome with auto because you hit so hard in groups and the fire sigil on crit is pretty amazing for aoe and taking points. Cluster bomb does tons of damage also. If a melee gets on you just push 3, dodge, or use one of your many invis. If you get immobilized by a melee swap to sword pistol and blackpowder. Pistol whip is pretty awesome, I usually like to chain 2 into a pistol whip.

Basically you should almost always be dodging, invis, or doing backflip with SB. You’ll still be putting out tons of damage with your high crit and autos/clusterbomb. If you’re fighting for a point use poison and cluster bomb for aoe weakness, its pretty rigged.

Shadow Refuge and Shadow Trap are interchangeable with other skills(shadow step and ambush is what I usually change). If you’re having a hard time with stuns go into ss. Everyone says how great at roaming thiefs are but no one uses Shadow Trap. It’s such an awesome skill for defending points(it lasts until you die, even if you’re down it ports you to it AND invises you! Not to mention the range is infinite.)

This build is very easy to rez and finish since you have so much invis. Switch to dagger when rezzing, and 4 is an awesome way to interrupt stomps and rezzes. Interrupt and refuge(if cd use a different stealth) and easy rez.

Battle of Kyhlo:
Take Shadow Trap and Ambush, dodge and shadow shot quickly to get up to trebuchet ramp, set up both traps and start raining chaos with the treb. Keep in mind you can just tap 2 to shoot a big explosion right in the courtyard in front of treb if someone is coming for you, other wise just give cover to whatever point your team is capping. If you see an unprotected mansion or windmill use your great mobility to cap it real fast, don’t worry about treb, if someone goes to kill it you’ll port back with Shadow Trap. If you’re good at treb aiming and distance it’s a pretty easy win if you’re team is remotely competent.

Kyhlo Video
In this video my team isn’t very competent, we wind up losing, but I wrack up a huge amount of glory.

Forest of Niflhel:
I run refuge(for easy rezzes and easy finishes) and shadow step on this one. It’s a smaller map so you’ll be up close and personal a lot and ss is nice for the mobility and stun break. If I’m not worried about stuns I take Shadow Trap instead and set it up at the enemies boss (svanir or chief) and try to ultimate and kill them while they getting boss when he gets low spam cluster bomb or pistol whip to try and steal.

Legacy of Foefire:
This is my least favorite map. Shadow Trap is not that useful as the cap points are pretty large. So Shadow Step and Refuge is usually what I take. Only advice for this one is to get back and defend your boss if they are attacking your base. Other wise just keep roaming and supporting your team where it’s needed.

Legacy Video
Crush pretty hard in this match, shadow trap actually helps a lot in this one.

Raid on the Capricorn:
We’re pretty unstoppable on this map, refuge again for rez and finish, and shadow step. With the build that we have we have basically unlimited iniative regen underwater, get to the cap point and spam 5. You cap point and can’t be hit. If you run low on iniative go invis regen it all and keep pushing 5, you will not be able to be killed. Use dodges also to regen some iniative if you get low. Once you cap the ruins go back and forth between beach and docks. If they try and get ruins just go back and spam 5. Only thing about unstoppable control of underwater is you don’t get much glory.

Let me know what you guys think. If theres interest I’ll try and record more matches.

(edited by DeTalores.4507)

Unkillable, point defending, roaming machine; sPvP Thief.

in Community Creations

Posted by: SCChirp.6812


Very nice, watched a couple minutes of some of the videos… awesome. I’ve been trying to play around with some non-burst oriented builds… I want to focus on winning, not spamming 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 in every encounter.

Well written, look forward to trying it out soon!

Unkillable, point defending, roaming machine; sPvP Thief.

in Community Creations

Posted by: DeTalores.4507


Heh, I feel ya. It’s definitely the most fun build I’ve tried out. Once you get the shadow step shortcuts down roaming and capping points is really easy. Main thing to note is that most of the damage comes from shortbow and kiting. I go to sword pistol when fighting other melees or I see a warrior coming in with stuns; blackpowder and pistol whip just stomps other melee.