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(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Hello one and all!
This week I’d like to host an event on the Northern Shiverpeaks Server. Since it is close to Valentine’s Day I will be making the event Valentines themed. I’ve gathered several things to bring to the event, consider me your Santa Clause of love
During the event there will be food for all, guild banners, boxes of fun, and possibly guild banquets. I’d like to invite everyone to come who can, and take part in the event.
There will be free food and buffs for all, but will also be a chance to win prizes! Different events will be held and upon winning you get a chance to win some of the items. I encourage any guilds and players to join, and if you like make your own events in the same area or others. I also will be updating this with the type of events, trivia etc that will occur, and encourage people to post ideas on what players can do to win prizes. So far the normal man hunt, trivia, kind of ideas would work fine but I’m open to any input from players!
So what can you win??
Well for everyone who attends you get:
Free Banner Buffs-
Experience Buff, gathering Buff, Karma Buff, Magic Find Buffs.
Donated by [KING] guild, the [KING] tag and [TOP] tags are both [KING] guild banners.
Free Food:
Rare Veggie Pizzas, Chocolate Chip cookies, Cherry Tarts, Lemon Bars, Omnomberry Bars, Steak and asparagus/dinners.
The prize rewards include:
10 Globs of Ectoplasm, donated by 2 love crossed ghosts in Orr.
Dyes created by the dye experts at “To Dye for” dye shop.
Dyes include:
7 Hot Pink Dyes
Unidentified Dyes
Rich Grape Dye
5 Pink Dyes
1 Strawberry Cream Dye
Updated items
3 Passion Flowers, every gal loves flowers
Passion Fruits, various amounts.
2 Polar Bear Minis
18 slot silk bag (retail value 2g)
Godskull Sickle-protect the one you love with a bone axe.
Thanks to the bandits in Queensdale we have gathered chocolate bars to give away as well.
Tonics, given by the Asura Ale n’ stuff shop.
Fiery Tonics-Show off your flames of love!
Princess Doll Tonics-in case you’re looking for that prince, why not look the part!
Plush Griffon Tonics-become a cute griffon, get given to someone’s sweet heart, swoon over said sweetheard, mission accomplished
Winter Warband Festive Mortars-nothing says love like firing giant festive mortars at the ones you love!
1000 pieces of candy corn, for those who want to shower their loves with candy and count the teeth as they fall out.
Aside from the rewards I will be bringing Evon Gnashblade’s boxes o’ fun, for all to enjoy.
I’m looking to hold this event Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (2/8,2/9,2/10) and hope to have many more prizes and fun to bring. While I scrounge around Kryta for some love themed items, all are welcome to come and bring their own fun ? I will try to have the events in the evening 5-9PM EST, times can be longer depending on our event supplies. If you would like to contribute, simply come and offer rewards for your own events, and of course it does not have to be during my set times. Most the food trays last about 5 minutes but buff for an hour. The Guild Buffs last 30 minutes I believe and you will have plenty of chance to come back and get more buffs. I’ll be updating with harder quests to receive the more valuable items (dyes etc) so that everyone can have fun. Location will be just outside the human capital, and may also move around the world to different popular event areas like Maw, and Orr’s Penitents WP.
So that’s it, if you’re interested please come! Whether or not you find your e-date doesn’t matter, we have something everyone can enjoy.
Special thanks to:
ladywings [KING]
skylaw [KING]
Guild: [KING]
Dantaeus Heardt
PS-if any Arenanet employees would like to come or contribute that’s just fine by me
Assuming we won’t be having a GW2 Official event.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
In your scrounging around for love themed items, make sure to pick up a stack of Jar of Harpy Pheromones
How about passion fruit items
With guesting, cross-server events like this are possible. thanks for hosting.
I will do my best to make it one of the days, if work permits I’ll be there all three!! I will also pass on this info to my guild mates, and lastly I’ve had some interaction with some of the [ KING ] members and you guys have a great guild!!
There is a rumor in Queensdale that a rare Pink Moa has been spotted. This moa is special and not like the others. For months it has hoarded away treasure in a secret burrow and those said to find the Pink Moa get a share of the bounty!
During the event if you find the Pink Moa you will be given a reward. Only the first to find him will get a reward. He will appear again several minutes after and can be found again, perhaps in the same area or in another. Hints will be given, and you have 15 minutes to find him.
In the spirit of laughter and love the second event will be a joke contest. We all love a laugh, and who doesn’t like a little Guild Wars humor.
Event Details:
The Joke Contest will be held with the other events. You can make up any joke so long as it follows the following rules:
1. Must be Guild Wars 2 related.
2. Must be tasteful, follow Arenanet code of conduct etc.
3. Must be FUNNY!
Mail me the joke in game during the time of the event, I will post the best on this thread and award the winners. Remember the prize and event info is in the link at a lower post.
Poem Contest
Write a short poem, GW2 related and mail to me during the event. I will pick the best ones and post them on this thread.
Event Details:
The Poem Contest will be held with the other events. You can make up any poem so long as it follows the following rules:
1. Must be Guild Wars 2 related.
2. Must be tasteful, follow Arenanet code of conduct etc.
Mail me the poem in game during the time of the event, I will post the best on this thread and award the winners. Remember the prize and event info is in the link at a lower post.
Cutest Couple Event
Want to show off your romantic couple pic? Post a pic on this thread during the event, entries can be any race/class/sex. Can only reward 1 couple a day, one for Friday and one for Saturday. At the end of each day the best photo will be chosen and the prizes awarded.
Event Details:
The Cute Couple Contest will be held with the other events. You can make up any pic so long as it follows the following rules:
1. Must be Guild Wars 2 related.
2. Must be tasteful, follow Arenanet code of conduct etc.
3. 1 picture Entry per couple.
*Must include names of the two players in the screenshot.
Mail me the poem in game during the time of the event, I will post the best on this thread and award the winners. Remember the prize and event info is in the link at a lower post.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
If anyone has other ideas for rewards or places they would like to see us visit and drop banners just let me know. If you have any questions or want to contribute you can contact me too, or simply come to the event ^^
Free virtual food and especially a free virtual food banquet is such a tease. It just makes you want to gorge on real-life food. Especially with some of the names they have for the in game food they really makes you start salivating and want to eat something in real life
Free virtual food and especially a free virtual food banquet is such a tease. It just makes you want to gorge on real-life food. Especially with some of the names they have for the in game food they really makes you start salivating and want to eat something in real life
Lol this is true, tbh after posting all the foods I had to go buy dinner cause my stomach hurt. And dinner had to be a huge meal lol
Still looking for more Vday items, found some cute minis and stuff. Anyone know of other items that could be awarded or brought?
If any guilds will be coming to the event please post here so everyone can see who will be there. Thanks
This is a really cool event! Not on Northern Shiverpeaks, but if I were I’d definitely check it out.
This is a really cool event! Not on Northern Shiverpeaks, but if I were I’d definitely check it out.
You can Guest
I really have no problem with other servers guesting over during the events. The more the merrier Other guilds can come and do events etc, and all the rewards will be fairly given. I’m spending all week gathering more rewards up to the event. All are welcome to contribute, come, and share in the event. I didn’t want to have it ON valentines day because some people are probably out with their better halves, or sulking with chocolate ice cream. Kidding :P But everyone is welcome to come.
Sounds like great fun!
yaay i’ll come!!
I’ll be there I’ll try and get other to come, now just to figure out guesting… hmm
To guest:
Log into GW2.
On the character select screen click “World Selection”. (Bottom left)
Choose which server to guest and click “guest”.
More info at: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guesting#Guesting
Awww wrong region otherwise I could bring some cookies. :S
Awww wrong region
otherwise I could bring some cookies. :S
If anyone has already seen the prizes keep in mind I’m updating them daily so they may change. Only additions, no subtractions. Thx
I’ve updated the first event, I’ll be adding more shortly. Make sure to come and check it out
I won’t be in the game because I’ll be with the most important woman in my life.
No, not my girlfriend. On valentines day she only gets second place.
It’s my grandmothers birthday. She deserves my time more than anyone else in the world.
Is NSP a EU or US server? If the latter, I might guest there for a few hours. My commendations to you and your guild for planning this, in any case!
^^US server.
Too bad, I’m going to miss this..(I’m on EU server). =(
Project X: Northern Shiverpeaks :-)
Great idea, pitty guesting doesn’t allow getting to US servers from EU or I’d come party!
Northern Shiverpeaks US, sorry anyone in EU But that doesn’t mean someone on EU servers can’t use my idea
I won’t be in the game because I’ll be with the most important woman in my life.
No, not my girlfriend. On valentines day she only gets second place.
It’s my grandmothers birthday. She deserves my time more than anyone else in the world.
The actual day? valentines is the 14th, I’m hosting the event the weekend before the holiday so that it doesn’t interfere with peoples holiday with family, friends, and significant others Feb 8,9,10.
I wanted to show some players just “some” of the items for the event. Keep in mind there are more, account bound, stored in my own bank etc. Again, I’ll keep updating the list as I gather more
my guild can guest and we can bring food trays! i have 2 food trays to bring!
my guild can guest and we can bring food trays! i have 2 food trays to bring!
Woo Whats the name? And any guilds that want to que a banquet to drop is fine too
Takes a while, maybe 3 days? Still time.
Added events/items.
New List of rewards and Events.
Edited* With updated event.
I will post any updates if the prizes change, or events are added.
Added event info to separate post, see above.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Prize Vault getting full :P Hope to see plenty of people at the event. Other prizes listed or not listed are in my bank where there is more room heh.
I’ll be starting this tonight around 5pm(EST). I’ll give the exact time once I’m ready irl The event will start in the human area, Queensdale just after the first bridge(Fields Waypoint). I will over the course of the night drop banners in common areas like Maw and Orr.
I may be a bit late since I’m in PST but I will be there! btw I ran with a KING player in a pug in Orr last night, again another good experience with your guildmates!
I may be a bit late since I’m in PST but I will be there! btw I ran with a KING player in a pug in Orr last night, again another good experience with your guildmates!
Orr, where we can live out our The Walking Dead,Resident Evil, hero fantasies. :P
Orr, where we can live out our The Walking Dead,Resident Evil, hero fantasies. :P
This sounds awesome, I am going to try guesting over there one day to check this out. Thanks for hosting!
Event should start 5PM EST, if I did my math right that’s 2PM Server Time. I will open food trays and banners in Queensdale at the Fields Waypoint. There will be about 5 different types of food, lots of buffs including running 20sec buff. Please keep in mind that the trays only last 5 minutes, so get em while they are hot I have quite a few to use throughout the event days, but I am not the Donald Trump of GW2. So try to get them when announced. I welcome others to host events as well during to keep the festivities going, things like jumping puzzles and other ways to earn prizes. I’ll be doing my events, but everyone is free to just stop by and join, host their own contests, and have fun
A little under two hours left to go!
Under 1 hour left!
I will be putting up 5 trays of food every hour, on the hour till the event closes. Banners will be up as well. 1 Event box of fun will be up every hour for 4 hours. Event will end at 9PM est.
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
30 Minutes to go, banners will be going up on the hour along with food trays and event boxes. 2 Boxes will be down for the first hour of the event.
Event going on tonight
Event still going on, next batch is at 7pm EST. A lil less than 30 min. Event lasts all weekend. Please let guilds and friends know so the trays of food (5 min) and banners dont go to waste.
Today’s event is over, grats to all the winners of the pink Moa contests. Also grats to the winner of the Poem contest. Since no one else entered this contest, the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th place prizes all go to the winner. Cutest Couple Contest winners are Roses Dawn and Shadow Waka for their in-sync dance moves. If you enjoyed today’s event be sure to share with others, the food trays last only 5 minutes and have unlimited uses until they disappear. Same buffs and banners will be up tomorrow and a large amount of foods. Saturday is the last day for the Cutest couples event, on Sunday the 1st place winners for (Jokers Contest/Poem Contest)will be drawn to win the grand event prize an 18 slot silk bag. Two of these are available. Hope to see everyone soon, and sorry the thread moved.
Saturdays event about to begin 2 Minutes. Fields waypoint NSP server US.
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