Vista Montages - Series

Vista Montages - Series

in Community Creations

Posted by: AuXDubz.9013


Welcome, Welcome… to my brand new mini series! In this series there will be no order on which destinations i do, and there will also be no dedicated date for each episode uploaded!, hopefully i can stick 1 or 2 out a week, but as time goes on, i guess i will not play the game so much, so that even may need to be moved back to even 1 every 2 week or so!, we will see Feel free to subscribe if you are enjoying the series

Video Links

Hoelbrak –
The Grove -

Please feel free to suggest a destination! :]

If your that guy thinking what the kitten is Vistas in GW, well the simple way to say is!:
A vista is an interactive object located in the world which triggers an associated cinematic. It appears as a column of light with a scroll floating near the ground. Interacting with the object will cause the camera to pan across nearby scenery. Vistas are intended to showcase locations and their environment art. Before each Vista usually lies a jumping puzzle players have to overcome to reach it.

(edited by AuXDubz.9013)

Vista Montages - Series

in Community Creations

Posted by: AuXDubz.9013


New Episode Added.