(edited by Wanna.4721)
Wanna's Art: mock-up commissions
Some sketches from today, some more Asuras that kinda look like gremlins
And something for a last minute contest about drawing an elementalist.
Haven’t used ref on this. Inspired by the Avatar series.
Woah that’s me, oh my God!! Excellent work there Krewe Engineer Dwem is still my main so it’s so awesome to see more good art of him. This was a huge surprise since I don’t come on fan gen much, let alone the forums in general. I especially like the detailing on my magitech armor, and the pistol sticking out of my belt. Also that two-hander the golem has should be in the game for real. Keep up the great work!
Also those anatomy drawings of the asura in your 2nd attachment are SWEET
Hahaha so funny you came in here and saw this.
Hopefully I’ll be able to paint this some time soon
Here’s some new stuff kinda WIPish, have two illustrations sketched out but wanted to get the feel of the character first.
A basic orthographic view and two mockups I’ll finish this week
Are you seriously just the beginner? I wouldn’t tell by the look of it but well, I’m an ignorant if it comes to drawing – I just judge it by the look of it – so I’m really subjective and biased in that regard. But your skeleton and muscle drawing are… looking very professional to me. And I really wouldn’t mind if you got inspired by any out of my (and my wifes) army of characters (24 in total). and practice some sketches on them :-)
Keep up the good work :-)
Thanks Fringilla. I don’t think I have a file to your name yet, so I’ll look around and find some of your screenshots.
Here’s the finished line version. Was hoping to show the beginning of the Guardian illustration, but ran out of time and am so very tired. Will get a lot more active from now on
Got quite a bit done today, so instead of just one illustration preview, you get two!
If you have any suggestions or crits, fire them away as I can still change things.
Quick sketch today, was busy with other work.
Crystalized asura of some sort
Test, test 1,2… 1,2…
Comments are welcome
Wow, that looks amazing. Very good job!
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
It looks really good for what it is, but…
You asked for constructive criticism – so there it is.
This is mirrored image, is that correct ? I mean – both halves are identical. It wouldn’t be much of an issue, since it is… how did you call it? Boring frontal pose? But…
If you have a close look on lighting source, you will clearly see that in both eyes light comes from… different angles (because of mirroring sides)
On the other hand – great job at shading and despite of frontal pose, you caught dimensional aspect of character really well.
Proportions are perfect and the face is really realistic.
Over all – really good job, waiting for more.
And I’m still foolishly hoping that you are going to exercise on one of my characters :-)
Thanks Lilith
Fringilla: Yes it’s a simple mirror because it’s half the work and I’ve always been terrible at mirroring things myself. Symmetry isn’t a strong point. I’m not going to promise anything, as I have collected about 20 files from different people about their asuras, so I’m kinda going down the list, and as you can see I’m going really slow as I’m trying to do some prep work and what not. Also I suck at this so it’s quite hard. What I could do is do some linework with base colors blocked in, but I’m quite busy so I’ll have to try and fit it in my schedule. Maybe reduce some study work to get it done. Also focusing on asuras atm, and haven’t checked your gallery if you have any.
Last thing about the pose I’m just trying what they called an orthographic view, which is sort of like the Davinci man pose. Supposedly you do the side views too.
Quick update for today, spent most of the day on studies and an oil painting, so I tried doing the back view, and also blocked in the colors on the armor. The colors are based on the screenshot I have, only thing I added in is the red, not sure it fits but I wanted some variety because it was all blues and greys. Hopefully more tomorrow/this w-e
Spent the w-e working on other stuff but I decided to try out something different, so here’s a “commission” for Fringilla, trying out a quick sketch + value idea, and see if he likes it to go any further.
The goal would be to finish it within a week.
In case it’s not clear (chances are high it isn’t) it’s his asura engineer, doing some sort of air strike on a human with his shield up. And the asura is holding a flamethrower.
All of the details in PM and I just uploaded a handful of screenshots that might be of help here
You are very good artist! I don’t know why you’re calling yourself a beginner :P
Thanks Fringilla for the feedback. Working on it very very slowly… So might as well post a quick WIP
Crystalight, because I’m terrible at art…for now. I’ll probably be halfway decent the day I earn a 6 fig salary, which would be in about 50 years lol :p, and of course i’ll never be pro ever, i’ll be dead long before
. The joys of art
Quick WIP to show I’m alive. Busy with a billion other things as usual… Background will be worked on, place holderish for now