Warhammer > Guild Wars 2 > Wildstar??
Not made by NCSoft, just published. It really doesn’t mean anything at all anymore, look at some of the horrible games Bethesda publishes.
Just like GW2 isn’t really relevant to the existence of WAR, I don’t think Wildstar is relevant to the existence of GW2. Games will always build off of each other, and I’m very proud that the team behind Warhammer were able to innovate, and draw on the previous innovations of DAoC. Seeing GW2 learn from DAoC/WAR so much made me really proud, it really spells out the success of the basic design of those titles.
Same goes for Wildstar, it shows that GW2 has made innovations and improvements in certain areas, and we’ll see future games reflect that, rather than the industry creating more pre-GW2-type games.
Getting overhyped before release is how people were disappointed by GW2 to begin with. And Rift before it. And Aion before it. And Warhammer before it. And AoC before it. And Vanguard before it.
C’mon guys, relax a bit.
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye
does anybody actually know that such battlesystems (or similiar) are already implented to mmorpg-like console games like phantasy star and monster hunter?
but GW2 is the first who made it successful on the PC
there is monster hunter frontier (mmo) for PC (beta) and the good ol’ phantasy star universe
first thought on GW2 when i started playing: "man it feels like monster hunter had a baby with WoW"
so yeah, i’m very familiar with that sort of battle system/s
but hey, that are still totally different games, like WildStar
so can’t really compare that to GW2, especially not just by some video/s
NCsoft seems like the only company who developes/publishes MMO’s i like (former AION player)
though, that WildStar game doesn’t appeal me (judging by the videos)
and about the question, if somebody already left GW2...would be wrong if they’d still post in the GW2 forums if you ask me :P
even if another mmorpg would caught my attention more than GW2, GW2 got casual playability, so there would be no reason not to lurk in once in a while for some sPvP or events
oh and i’m glad that more skillbased battlesystems finally reached the masses
doesn’t mean they should stop making classical mmorpgs, but nowadays, it’s quite hard bringing some fresh air into it
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
and about the question, if somebody already left GW2…would be wrong if they’d still post in the GW2 forums if you ask me :P
Depends on what they’re posting. If they’re just hear to keep complaining, then yeah, they need to GTFO.
But I used to post in the WoW forums after I stopped playing. I liked the game and wanted a reason to keep playing it. I was involved in constructive posts (what few there were/are on that forum) to try and make the game better to try and get myself back into it.
Notice the combat?.. how it’s NOT just circles on the ground?
I’m not a huge fan of Wildstar’s telegraph system, to be honest. I think it simplifies combat too much and removes the challenge in learning and reacting to the moves of your opponents through trial and error (one of the few things TERA did right with its BAMs).
If it has a subscription fee, I wont touch it. If its buy to play like GW2, I might give it a go and play both.
I played GW1 for seven years. That wasn’t exclusive. I tried lots of other MMos and did a lot of console gaming. It was still my go-to game. GW2 will likely be the same way. I might wander out now and then to try something else, but i’ll be back eventually.
Couldn’t care less, really. I don’t particularly like the look of Wildstar much.
Doesn’t affect me in the slightest when it comes to making ’suggestions’ for GW2. I enjoy this game and feel it’s my type of game. A few fixes, some more added content in the future and things will be better. Even now, I’ve still yet to deal with half the issues most complain about. I’ve been roadblocked twice via broken skill point or story quest.. but they were quickly fixed so I could complete them. I don’t have issues with ’slogging’ through Orr, never get hit by DR, nor do I have issues with waypoint costs as I make enough gold farming. I don’t plan on leaving GW2 any time soon, regardless of how a new game is presented.
I hit 80, got my exotics, now I’m doing what I love. Stalking people in WvW.
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.
Wildstar looks even more dumbed down and the “N64 platformer” level of cartoony makes my skin crawl. However, if you want mega awesomeness, I will be headed over to Darkfall: Unholy Wars come November.
Sounds like that Darkfall is primarily a PvP game… like, the whole thing is GW2 WvW?
To be honest that Wildstar gameplay looks stale. The player hardly moves and it has plenty of cast bars that root you in place. Plus it really looks like WoW which is not a good thing to me.
Thanks for the video links, I’ve been interested in this game for quite a while, mainly because of its aesthetics, but kinda forgot about it by now.
Fanboy, knight, troll etc.. in my opinion, is the new age version of Godwin’s Law. I would suggest avoiding the use of such labels.
As for the point of:
I’m curious if you guys are looking at this subjectively or if you’re just hating on the game.. just BECAUSE it’s not GW2.
In my case it’s subjective. I’ve played a variety of MMO’s. I left one of the most popular ones for GW2. It had nothing to do with the ’title’ of the game. I looked into it, saw things I liked and took a chance.
I’m all about the WvW aspect of this game. To me it appeals greatly. I’ve done all of the PvE content save a few dungeons, and after 80, got into WvW as my mainstay point for the game.
The last two days has been a blast. From hunting down smaller parties to full on siege warfare. For instance, last night I had the most fun gaming than I’ve had in a long time. My server group is currently in last place, outnumbered by another server. They own the biggest central cstle in the Eternal Battleground, and we took over a small fort about 600 yards away.
With about maybe 20 people there last night, we held off wave after wave of the dominating server’s players, all working together to keep the walls up from the constant barrage of trebuchet rounds. They even tried sending a large force of 30-40 people, and we managed to keep the from crossing the bridge. Heck, we even pushed them back to the castle, had time to build our own treb and gave them a little taste of their own medicine.
This is the exact type of game I’ve been looking for. I can choose to take part in any battle I wish, whether it be infiltration, small hunting parties or large scale warfare. I spent 3 hours last night just enjoying myself and this is my main reasoning for not really caring about looking into another game atm.
Not only this, but while WS looks alright, it doesn’t exactly seem to fit what I’m looking for. I’ve found my home.
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.
To be honest that Wildstar gameplay looks stale. The player hardly moves and it has plenty of cast bars that root you in place. Plus it really looks like WoW which is not a good thing to me.
That’s interesting…
A lot of people are bringing up the aesthetic as being just like WoW ~ which I agree on..
but you guys say it is such a negative tone that it makes me think that you’re not looking at Wildstar as a game.. but as an extension of WoW… thus “it must be destroyed”.
Personally, I’ve never played WoW and try to avoid debates with people that have (as they’re either totally in love with the game or completely hate it) ~ thus that’s all they focus on.
So really, the aesthetic you guys don’t seem to like.. is actually one of the reasons I’m looking forward to it.
Reminds me of Pixar!
IE: I’m tired of “realistic” fantasy or dirt/darkbrown worlds ~ lol, gimme some color!
As for the combat.. ya, it does seem to root you when casting ~ but in those same vids, I notice that it just adds to the complexity of the fights.. as you can’t simply “strafe” your target and spam spells.
lol, so ya.. another improved feature I’m in favor of Vs. GW2 / WAR.
I’m curious if you guys are looking at this subjectively or if you’re just hating on the game.. just BECAUSE it’s not GW2.
Which would make you a “knight”… and tbh, I REALLY don’t like knights ~ as they’re toxic to their games and only cause division of the community by building bias walls against anyone with an opinion.
So I’d ask, please don’t bring that sort of attitude into this topic.
It doesn’t help the discussion and will only cause this thread to get closed due to “off topic flaming”. thx ~
Wow… assume much? I absolutely hate the cartoony oversized hands head and feet that WoW uses and this game uses the same. I cant relate to the character since it looks goofy. Being rooted in place to “cast” abilities is a step backwards in my opinion… it removes the best part of action combat… the action.
I looked over the game as well to see if the melee fighting was any better… and it wasnt. It is also extremely silly to expect players on a game site to gush over a different game that isnt even released yet and say it is better than the one they are currently playing…
I want to test out the building class thing they have talked about. Nothing else seemed to grab me.
Notice the combat?.. how it’s NOT just circles on the ground?
Umm, I don’t think you’ve been following the game that long:
Seriously watch the video, the combat looks quite good.
The game comes forward with some very interesting ideas, and I think GW2’s ideas may play a hand in Wildstars development. The whole dynamic content layout of the world is definitely the way to go for MMOs. Wildstar’s momentum mechanics sound very interesting and I’d like to see how it grows.
Then there are the paths that opens branches in gameplay that caters to your own play style. This sounds very interesting, but I just hope you’re not cut of from content too much when you choose specific paths, i.e. choosing scientist cutting you of from the explorer’s jumping puzzles.
And then there’s the player housing, which just sounds fun and interesting.
I’ve been following this game loosely since announced, I don’t want to get too into the whole development process anymore. I’ve scrutinized every small scrap of info on GW2 and D3 over the last few years, and many other games before release, and it’s just a tiring process. Rather with Wildstar I decided I’ll just check in every now and again.
As for how it’ll effect my GW2 playing. Not at all, I can play both games, but the important question is, will it be subscription based or B2P. If you need to sub, then I’m out. I’ll never pay monthly for a game again, and no sad excuse can ever persuade me otherwise.
It still looks a long way from release though, so we’ll see how the game develops, but so far I am sold.