Westward Sky

Westward Sky

in Community Creations

Posted by: cheshirekitty.1240


Note from the Character; After camping out with some good people, I left to pursue other avenues. This is the letter I left at their camp.

Westward Sky

As a single tear falls upon my cheek, I look upon the westward sky’s
crimson peaks
I cry no more, for I shall fear not tomorrow’s glow.
That Tomorrow’s adventures shall still grow
Rest well knowing my time with you may have been brief,
But the memories you gave me shall always be just that more sweet.

-Signed Bal Xorath (Written by her Lady Mazrealn)

Bal Xorath is pernounced Bah hal Zoh Wrath Mazrealn is pernounced Ma Zz Ree Ell

(edited by cheshirekitty.1240)