got bored at work....thief sketch :) and more
15 message length…
Boredom is a good thing Liked. Do you have dev art ?
Nice one! Would be curious to see the fem version – here, have my like
Yes I do
Where do you work that you get so often bored ? Thank you for the all the amazing sketches hope you ll get bored soon
i work at my parents sushi store for the summer cuz…well believe it or not my mother just gave birth to my baby brother (18 years apart)…and when the customers are not around i just draw
Love the female thief even more! Not a suprise; I’m a fan of that cultural T3…..
I love it. Make femele theif
Another one? Or did u not c the female thief that I uploaded
my wish class muketeer…who is able to use pistol and rifle not like shotgun and able to switch between weapons (guns only)