looking for some help, rendering Videos

looking for some help, rendering Videos

in Community Creations

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Hello there,

i’ve started to pick up some footage from WvW fights every now and then and started rendering these for youtube uploads.

I’m recording at 1080p with 29,97 fps using fraps.
For editing and rendering i use Sony Vegas 12

Now to my problem. The rendered Video – mostly in battle sequences – blurs out. when I go back and look at the raw data, its all clear. While recording these big scale battles i dont drop below 10 fps.

These are the settings I use to render

http://db.tt/Z7BbYroq (dropbox shortend link)

thanks for any tip and advise

looking for some help, rendering Videos

in Community Creations

Posted by: Alissah.9281


aaaah, german! Out of all langauges it has to be the one i had the msot trouble learning ^^ and with that, i mean i failed to learn it >_<

Heres a picture of al my settings, the bit rate is rather important aswell, and i see you didnt include it in your picture :o. I would recommend setting it to 13, the file size will be much bigger than if youd pick 8 or lower, but the quality shows.

for some reason uploading to youtube always makes the quality worse… if i understand correctly it has a certain cap at how high the bit rates can be… but this makes me wonder how some people manage to get te quality much better than mine :/.

In my signature is a link to my channel and some videos, in the last video i used the settings i just posted, so you can decide if its good enough for you ^^.

Oh, ive been told you should put the field order on "none (non progressive scan), i cant remember why, but the upper- and lower field first seems tobe for DVDs :o.

If theres anything else you need help with, feel free to ask me and ill see if its within my knowledge, but im by no means a pro.



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