need opinions

need opinions

in Community Creations

Posted by: cameltoad.9867


hello, tonight my only 80 characters name was reported and i was forced to change it. I am normally not a forum poster or a complainer but i just dont understand why! I could see if i was trolling or being a kitten but i wasnt rude to anyone. The name was cameltoad, is that really offensive? im pretty upset right now. pretty sure ill just delete the toon now as it doesnt feel the same

Yaks Bend
War is Hell {WAR} guild!

need opinions

in Community Creations

Posted by: cameltoad.9867


lol kitten was not the word i used, but you get the point

Yaks Bend
War is Hell {WAR} guild!

need opinions

in Community Creations

Posted by: cameltoad.9867


this may not be the right forum for my post i hope i didnt break any more rules.

Yaks Bend
War is Hell {WAR} guild!

need opinions

in Community Creations

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


If you are really so oblivious to the naming guidelines that you didn’t see a name-change coming, I really don’t know what to say. I’ll never understand why people try to push the limits and skirt the boundaries and then when it blows up in their face they act surprised. :p