20v20 T2 GvG NA Invitational Tournament

20v20 T2 GvG NA Invitational Tournament

in In-game Events

Posted by: Gerby.6219


20v20 T2 GVG NA Invitational Tournament: Bald Eagles of the Mist

I am pleased to announce NA will be holding their own 20v20 T2 GVG Invitational Tournament inspired from the workings of our European counterparts.

Although dates are to be confirmed, this will be a 9 Team Round-robin Tournament in 20v20 format to start late August and to run through to September until its completion.

6 Teams are being invited (2 from each server) with 1 team from each server being selected from polls as wildcards. It will be up to the GW2 WvW.net community to select these ’People’s Champions’

The Tournament is being organized by Cue and myself and will be done with close collaboration to all the guilds involved. The majority of the prize pool will be self funded but we are asking for a 30g Entry fee to be paid with:

1000g for 1st place
500g for 2nd place
200g for 3rd place
30 Lemongrass Poultry Pots for 4th place
20 Lemongrass Poultry Pots for 5th place
10 Lemongrass Poultry Pots for 6th Place

Format of the Tournament

The Tournament will be conducted as a Round-robin tournament (with a point scoring system) with all Guilds facing off against every available guild on the opposing servers. The tournnament will consist of 3 rounds, the team with the lowest point score on each server being eliminated at the end of each round. The point scoring system will be explained in detail below.
The 1st round will consist of 9 teams (3 teams from each server), the 2nd round of 6 teams (2 from each server) and the final round will consist of the best team from each server. 1st round and 2nd round will be standard NA GvG rules, in a best of 7 format with all 7 rounds played. The Final Round will be standard NA GvG rules in a best of 9 format.
Dates are still to be finalised but the GvGs for the first round are to be conducted within a timeframe of 2 weeks (as organised by individual teams). The second round will also be conducted in 2 weeks and the final round will be conudcted in 1 final week. A Shoutcaster for this final week is currently being enquired about.

Rules of the Tournament

The rules are of standard GvG ettiquette and system but to outline as to be 100% clear
No Glitches/Bugs/Exploits are to be used knowingly or otherwise by any players. Examples of this include but are not limited to Tonic exploits, Quickness exploits, Ele summon glitches and the old Warrior signet of Might bug.
No Stacking weapons. On kill food is allowed
No interference by any member of your guild or of your server is to be conducted on friendly or enemy players within the GvG in any form. Interference is defined as
External buffing of people or persons conducted onto members inside the GvG. Buffs are limited to those generated by the people currently in the GvG itself
No party targeting is to be conducted by people outside of the GvG onto players (allied or otherwise) inside the GvG itself.
Use of skills or skills that advantage or disadvantage players in the GvG are not to be used by players not in the GvG.
Don’t be a prick. Use common sense, dont be discourteous and be respectful at all times when dealing with your opponents.

Point scoring system

The Point scoring system is as follows.
Points are awarded for participation of GvGs and attendance.
2 points are awarded for each round won
1 point is awarded for each round lost
An additional 2 points is awarded for the winner of the GvG
On the event of a guild failing to turn up to a GvG the other Guild is awarded 8 points only
As shown, attendance and participation of every single GvG is crucial, with every round being vitally important.

Other Pertinent rules and Information

Cue Queue and I will act as Tournament admins. Our judgement and interpretation of all rules is final and not to be disputed. Complaints can be raised but final judgement is ours. I can be contacted at Gerby.6219 and Cue Queue can be contacted at CueQ.7189
GvGs are to be scheduled before the start of each new round. If a team wishes to reschedule a GvG they must provide notice to the other team 24 hours in advance to the day scheduled. In addition the other team must agree before the change in date can be verified with an admin. This Information will then be verified and if found to be legitimate authorised.

For any questions post it to this thread or contact me or Cue Queue in game.


20v20 T2 GvG NA Invitational Tournament

in In-game Events

Posted by: ToSatellite.8295


Awhhhhh yissssss

Glad to see some community sponsored events.
This looks like its going to turn out quite fun for those involved.

Class Officer of [oT] – retired || [IX] – Necro
Sea of Sorrows

20v20 T2 GvG NA Invitational Tournament

in In-game Events

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


1000gold ! Thats alot of money. Will you accept 1v20?

GL on your event mateys.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

20v20 T2 GvG NA Invitational Tournament

in In-game Events

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Drop it down to 15 v 15

20 is a EU thing and considering the EU scene is 6 months behind the NA you should stick with the NA standard

Great idea though

20v20 T2 GvG NA Invitational Tournament

in In-game Events

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


Drop it down to 15 v 15

20 is a EU thing and considering the EU scene is 6 months behind the NA you should stick with the NA standard

Great idea though

Wait, when was the last time NA came to EU and was successful? Oh right, that never happened. Atleast when EU guilds go over to NA they are successful, maybe not all the time, but 1/2 is better than 0/1 amirite?

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.