Elite Specialization Hero Point Run
Guildmaster of The Legends of Avalon [LoA]
Due to the time change. This event will now start at 6pm GMT/ 7pm BST/ 8pm CEST
22/4 as listed above has been cancelled
Next set of dates for the event are: 8/4 , 29/4, 6/5, 20/5, 3/6
Guildmaster of The Legends of Avalon [LoA]
Next set of dates for the event are: 8/7 , 22/7, 5/8, 19/8
Guildmaster of The Legends of Avalon [LoA]
Next set of dates for the event are: 2/9 , 16/9
Due to not knowing how the expansion will affect HP Runs. This event will take a break after the 16/9 run. Please keep and eye on this thread for future updates.
Guildmaster of The Legends of Avalon [LoA]
16/9 run is cancelled. I do apologise for the inconvenience.
This event has to be reviewed to account for the new expansion.
Please keep an eye on this thread for future dates.
Guildmaster of The Legends of Avalon [LoA]