GW2Leaderboards LIVE-GvG ladder

GW2Leaderboards LIVE-GvG ladder

in In-game Events

Posted by: BeLkin.4817


Greetings. We are proud to announce the official launch of 3 days ahead of schedule.

The ranking on leaderboards is determined by the Elo Rating System (Used in Guild Wars 1, League of Legends and the World Cup Etc.)

Rb Rating on the leaderboards for team B
Ra Rating on the leaderboards for team A
Ea Expected score for team A
RaN New rating Team A
K A variable that depends on your rating: 0-100=8; 101-299=7; 300-499=6 ; 500-699=5; 700-899=4; 900-1099=3; 1100-1299=2; 1300 + = 1.5
G Matches won(for the winning guild) and Matches lost(for the losing team)
Sa This is a 1 for the team that won, and a 0 for the team that lost.

Using the above we can produce two formulas

Ea = 1/[1+10^(Rb-Ra)/400]

For the winning team: RaN = Ra+k*G(Sa-Ea)

For the losing team: RaN = Ra+k(of the enemy guild)*G(Sa-Ea)

Keeping it short:

Beating a high ranked guild will give you a higher rating than beating a low ranked guild.

Playing in a game with more rounds will give you more rating.

Playing in a game with more rounds will give you more rating.

*A guild can only sign up once on the system, so we recommend the guild leader or a guild officer is assigned this task. The forum can be used by all members. Also – each match has a discussion section at the bottom of the match roundup display
*The starting rating for every guild is 300.

First of all you need to have an account.
You can make one by clicking on Register. On the “Guilds” page you can filter servers based on your matchup(check Matchups page).
If you go to a guild’s profile, on the bottom right side you can find the “Challenge” button. Click it to show the match settings screen, then confirm the settings once finished.

To submit a score, follow the next steps: Profile -> View Schedule -> Match Details -> Submit score. Also post a link to the game on Twitch / a Youtube link (listed or unlisted. It doesn’t matter).
This is to ensure the scores are accurate, and to keep the community happy.

If a video cannot be posted, for whatever reason, then you are free to use the discussion box on the Game page to post the result.

If a team fails to submit a score, and the winning team has to open a ticket on the forum, the losing (non score submitting) team will earn a -10 point penalisation.

You have until next matchup to submit your scores. It only takes 10 seconds

Once the moderator approves the submitted score of a match, it will take effect.
Its an instant process.
No delay!

If a guild doesn’t have any challenge for 2 weeks the decay will activate, meaning you will start losing rating once a week based on your leaderboard position. You will have to fight to be on TOP!
More details on titles based on rating comming soon.

Host: Microsoft Azure Large (A3)Virtual Machine Instances, with 4 cores and 7Gb ram.
This site was created by David Sekula (Prom3theu5) and Mihai Tirdea (Melcus), both members of the guild Semper Dius.

We look forward to seeing you there

(edited by BeLkin.4817)

GW2Leaderboards LIVE-GvG ladder

in In-game Events

Posted by: Neptune.2570


Nice work man!
Hopefully the community really takes to this, as it’s what we’ve been asking for from anet for how long!?

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

GW2Leaderboards LIVE-GvG ladder

in In-game Events

Posted by: Prometheus.6781


haha – since release
Why else give us OS?
Surely not for the jumping puzzle :P

GW2Leaderboards LIVE-GvG ladder

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hamster.4861


Well done. Hope folks will register their guilds!

GW2Leaderboards LIVE-GvG ladder

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hamster.4861


welp. guess it’s not gonna happen… not now that this has been moved to in game events… thanks moderator.

GW2Leaderboards LIVE-GvG ladder

in In-game Events

Posted by: BeLkin.4817


Well that was fast

GW2Leaderboards LIVE-GvG ladder

in In-game Events

Posted by: BooHud.2681


yes that was fast. well, perhapse some are still digesting. keep the faith. and btw, on initial review does look well executed. props.

GW2Leaderboards LIVE-GvG ladder

in In-game Events

Posted by: BeLkin.4817


How many people are actually using anet forums? ..