Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

SETTING UP NOW IN YAKS BEND Open guesting welcome we will be continuing our preparation and coordinating in map chat.

Xunali Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] is hosting two 3 headed worm attempts. The first attempt will take place at Saturday March 22nd 8PM Server Time (PDT) again at 10PM please show up early for the event. The location will be disclosed in guild chat to prevent people coat tailing without coordinating with us first, it could be a main or overflow server so please have a guest server pass ready. There will be no partial success attempts for this boss, it is all or nothing on this run. All 3 heads must die.

Individuals wanting to join, please send a mail to Mireles Lore.5942 on Saturday the day of the event requesting a guild guest invite. This is our way to try to ensure people have at-least read this briefing and/or are aware of our strategy, and give priority status to those who are actively coordinating with us when picking/moving servers.

This fight will be difficult. We welcome other guilds to come coordinate with us as our primary objective is to get people credit for this kill. Just contact me and we will work something out. Please be sure you have no more than 5 guilds/ guild invites.

Knowing what to do for this battle before hand is essential to the success of this run.

Please review Dulfy’s guide and inform yourself on what to expect. Commanders will be using the strategies illustrated in this guide, you are expected to know how to follow with minimal instruction.

Here are some video of each individual fight, please review to your satisfaction.


(Thx to “AyinMaiden”)

Also, basic group edict, if you are killed please use the nearest way-point and run back. Dead bodies still scale the boss. Be sure to be attentive to your wurm commander’s position and map / say chats.

You will need to bring:

[Fire Elemental Powder] – Your Commands will give you the signal to use these when the time is right. Please wait for the signal for your appropriate color. Information on where to get these can be found below.

[Ogre Pet Whistle] – These will be needed as well. Once again please wait for the signal. Information on where to get these can be found below.

[Nourishment] & [Utility] – Food will be provided to the guild in the form of a tray. If you are a Husk Killer team member it is recommend to bring your own for your conditions. If you have preference over ours you may bring your own as well.

We are also seeking volunteers for specific team roles that are essential to the success of the run. We will need.

Egg-Blocking Team Members: These are players with projectile reflect/blocking skills that can spam the wurm preventing eggs from spawning. You will need to do this throughout the fight.

Husk Killer Team Members: Husks are high toughness low health units that will spawn numerously if not controlled. These players will need to have condition based damage builds, necromancers and engineers preferred.

Amber Stack Defense Team Members: These players will cast swirling winds to protect the zerg stack waiting to enter Amber’s stomach so people do not lose the required buff.

If you are interested in providing for one of these roles please send me a in-game mail with the role you want to play in the subject line and a general description of what skills/build you intend to use to fill that role. We will appreciate your service for this public run.

This is a very difficult boss, but together with preparation and coordination we can succeed. I look forward to having everyone on this run.

Thank you for your interest,

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

(edited by Mireles Lore.5942)

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: KehxD.6847


So after a small talk, we agreed that I would provide some infos about the wurm ^^
Obviously this is just how we do it, so feel free to tweak it as you wish, if you want to do it different! Also I wish you great fun and a nice experience!

First important information:
Have fun!
No blinks or stealths!!!!!! Those ruin everything.
Also very important, take cleaving weapons! The worm has a double dmg cleaving spot!
And as always, dead people waypoint!

A thing most also tend to forget:
Keep your Berserker gear on! The second phase is massive dps check and the berserker gear helps alot there. The Commander should down a Pot of Squash Curry (100 preci, 10% crit dmg) and a Hero banner (10% passive speed)

Then the special forces builds.

That needs either 3 eles per worm that know the worm animations, so that the can block the Eggs just before he spits them out, or, if you are unsure, 4 or 5 eles to keep it up more often or permanently.
Those Elementalists need to have a focus as second hand, as they need to cast Swirling winds !inside! the worm in order to block Eggs.

Husk Killer Team
Ideally this team should consist of 5 necros on condition builds. Their main requirement is the skill [Epidemic]! That aoe skill on a bunch of husks, and they die like flies. Condi Grenade Engineers are taken if there aren’t enough necros.

Normally we also use a Veteran Wurm/Larva killer team:
2 Eles, 2 Warriors, 1 Guardian. (Only get this team if every worm has 46+ player) With less, cut this team down to 1-2 Eles and 1-2 Warriors. Those only go for Veteran Worms and Larvas.

But no special amber blocking group (See in Guardian Build why)

Guardian Build:
For Cobalt and Crimson:
[Hollowed Grounds], [“Stand your Ground!”], [Retreat]/[Purging Flames]

For Amber:
[Hollowed Grounds], [“Stand your Ground!”], [Wall of Reflection]

All guardians need those spells.
Instead of a special Amber Defense Team, we make !all! guardians use their stability and make them put down the Wall of Reflections in a triangle/square as soon as you stack to get eaten! This way, we have one less special role, and things get easier. And normally there are enough guardians to keep the 3-4 walls up.
They also use all abilities while stacking inside the worm for dps. proc all the stability!

[Frost Bow], [Fiery Greatsword]

This is extremely important! You need that dps. Just before the dps phases on the worms start, put down those and make sure everyone takes them! Also explain ppl how to use them!

[“Shake it Off!”], [Warbanner]
Use Warbanner if 3+ Ppl are dead

Ranger (Use Greatsword! Good mobility (#3 Swoop) and cleaving dmg on the worm)
[Frost Spirit]
Use Jungle Pet Stalker for Might buffs

Place Frost spirits in 800 range outside the worm while going into it for the dps phase. Greatly increases zerg dps.

[Feedback], [Null Field], [Time Warp]

Feedback to defend from Veteran Larvas and worms during dps phase. Null field and Time Warp in order to higher dps in dps phases

Just get it! Doesn’t matter if you are condi or not, just freaking use it even if you are not in the defender team. Kill stuff with it, when you see them.

Quick tactics on worm:

Try to fill yellow buff first. Red normally gets filled easily just while trying to fill yellow and blue.
Also put down Road Markers on every Extractor!

Commanders synchronize the keg grabbing!
If there are too many mobs, you can’t get through with the kegs. Clean the mobs real quick every 2 to 3 keg rounds if there are too many!

Guardians need to do as described above!
Only shoot harpoons on commanders sign. Also get close before shooting!
Also when stacking, watch out for the worm. It often does a spin where it spits out massive aoes. Dodge that!

Second Phase:
Use all consumables when it spawns! (Amber, Pet whistles, Mortar kits, Seed turrets) and stand near it. Put down Ice Bows and all the stability. If ppl get downed, Warbanner. If it moves to a wall, spawn Fiery greatswords.

So yeah guys I hope you will have alot of fun! You can do it! Sadly I can’t join since I’m EU TxS … but always happy to help out!
Also guys, if one worm fails, don’t blame them, you have done a good job! Amber most of the times is the hardest one and fails, but sometimes it just happens. So just enjoy the show and do your best!

Bye ^^ KehxD

Founder and former leader of TxS Community! For more information, please look here =)

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

Thank you KehxD,

I will review the information provided and update our strategy where it is most helpful. I also encourage individuals joining to use the information provided above.

Thank you TxS, it is a shame you will be unable to join us for this run.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

Invites that were requested over the early morning hours have been sent, please check your invites.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Boribot.2568


Then the special forces builds.

That needs either 3 eles per worm that know the worm animations, so that the can block the Eggs just before he spits them out, or, if you are unsure, 4 or 5 eles to keep it up more often or permanently.
Those Elementalists need to have a focus as second hand, as they need to cast Swirling winds !inside! the worm in order to block Eggs.

Husk Killer Team
Ideally this team should consist of 5 necros on condition builds. Their main requirement is the skill [Epidemic]! That aoe skill on a bunch of husks, and they die like flies. Condi Grenade Engineers are taken if there aren’t enough necros.

Normally we also use a Veteran Wurm/Larva killer team:
2 Eles, 2 Warriors, 1 Guardian. (Only get this team if every worm has 46+ player) With less, cut this team down to 1-2 Eles and 1-2 Warriors. Those only go for Veteran Worms and Larvas.


Second Phase:
Use all consumables when it spawns! (Amber, Pet whistles, Mortar kits, Seed turrets) and stand near it. Put down Ice Bows and all the stability. If ppl get downed, Warbanner. If it moves to a wall, spawn Fiery greatswords.

Good morning! I’m an officer in Attuned and I just wanted to make a few quick comments. We do things slightly differently than TxS, and we have both had lots of success, so these are alternative options.

For egg blocking, we usually have two blockers for wurms and they can be either elementalists or mesmers (though we have had nominal success with other classes). A good mesmer can actually solo block an entire fight, so that is always handy. Keeping in mind that you will have large amounts of new players, more egg blockers are probably better to have, so I would take TxS’s strategy here.

As for the condi team, we do the opposite! Condi engineers are always taken over necros. If you have 3 condi engineers on each wurm, that is enough to eradicate the husk population (where it would take 5 necros to do the same). If you cannot get 9 condi engies, just fill the rest of the parties with necros (ie. 1 engie and 4 necros, or 2 engies and 2-3 necros).

Then in phase 2, you absolutely do not want to spawn fire elementals or ogre pets right away. One good charge from the wurm and your consumables will be gone. Instead, have everyone stack and might up between the wurm and a wall, and try to get the wurm to charge in that direction. Throughout the fight, your entire group (including ranged) should always focus on being between the wurm and the wall. If you get it to go to the wall immediately, wait for it to move one more time, and if it is still on the wall then you should pop your consumables and get your firey rushes on.

Other than that, everything looks good! Have fun today!

-Twilight Borealis-
~Blackgate since Beta~

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

Thanks for the info Boribot.

Anything is helpful as we are trying to take an all of the above approach where appropriate. If you are in (NA) we welcome any of y’all that would like to help out.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

(edited by Mireles Lore.5942)

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Boribot.2568


We are indeed NA, but unfortunately your event is during our normal Saturday wurm/teq/whatever else runs, so we can’t make it. Sorry!

-Twilight Borealis-
~Blackgate since Beta~

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: KehxD.6847


Hmm, we didn’t have such a great experience with pure engineer tries ^^ But it is true, often 3 condition players are enough. I guess you got some great engineers there Certainly your tacics sound good, too. To be honest, we never tried blocking eggs with mesmers. We might try that. Thanks for the idea! =)

Then in phase 2, you absolutely do not want to spawn fire elementals or ogre pets right away. One good charge from the wurm and your consumables will be gone. Instead, have everyone stack and might up between the wurm and a wall, and try to get the wurm to charge in that direction. Throughout the fight, your entire group (including ranged) should always focus on being between the wurm and the wall. If you get it to go to the wall immediately, wait for it to move one more time, and if it is still on the wall then you should pop your consumables and get your firey rushes on.

Yes, the stack of might obviously should happen, however on trying out both tactics, we have far better results with popping the consumables instantly and not stack exactly, but be to a specific side and already start out in melee range. With the stacking at wall tacics, we normally have around 35-40 second left on the timer in second phase. With the direct burning thing though, we normally have 1-1:15 left on the timer. xD But both works out I guess. Nice to know how other ppl do it though =D

Founder and former leader of TxS Community! For more information, please look here =)

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

I got about 30-40 unaccepted invites, please check your guild invites.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

We are in Yaks Bend.

Server is currently over half full. about 45 minutes until start time. Open guesting is welcome.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

We are now soft capped, let me know if u need a taxi in

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

We didn’t succeed our first try and the run kinda fizzled out. We will make an attempt some other weekend and be better prepared.

Thank you for everyone that came out and sorry this run didn’t deliver.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Backward Sass.6791

Backward Sass.6791

Thanks for the attempt! We’ll get it down.

Hosting 3-Headed Wurm Runs 3/22 (NA)

in In-game Events

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


Hi there,

Although its near impossible for me to participate, I must thank you for the effort to help others on this server (and guests as well) and ofcourse promoting our server.

Keep up the good work

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE