MOA Productions!

MOA Productions!

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello fellow Tyrians!

Let me introduce you to MOA Productions ( It is a Guild-Event-Sharing-Platform! Using this website frequently can have serious benefits for all guilds (and their leaders/officers), although I can see the “normal” members liking the website too.

Why a guild-event-sharing-platform? This is a question I got asked many times, but there is a very good reason to it. I’m the guild leader of The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server. Lets say I organize a quiz for my guild, which is good fun. After we finished this guild event, we basicly never use it again. With MOA Productions you get a chance to pass forward this fun event of yours, so many more people can benefit from its epicness!

Who makes the events? Anyone can create an account to the website of MOA Productions and add their events (free to take or maybe you can ask a few silvers for the time you put in putting the event together). When many guilds do this across all of Tyria, it should all save us loads of preparation time and it might give us new ideas for guild events!

What kinds of events? MOA Productions is still at its early phases. When more people use it, more and more events will be there. This means more and more epicness in your guild. However, there are a few things already there to get:
- Quizzes
- RP event ideas
- PvP (1v1) set-ups
- Rent a PvP Arena
- Organize raids (Tequatl, Wurm)
- Forum Challanges
- And more!

The website is all about sharing some love between guilds. I hope you all get the idea and want to help to make this happen. Below would be the link to the website of MOA productions:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

(edited by nickelton.1924)

MOA Productions!

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


I spoke to about 25 guilds now and they all seemed rather interrested by this new website/idea! We need more people to use it, so if you like the idea:
- Please sign-up @
- Share events or order them
- Let your friends and other guild leaders know about this!

Thanks for the support so far! New additions to the site are made almost daily!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

MOA Productions!

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


More and more events are added, ordering events became easier.. and the first event you order can be a free one! Check it out at:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

MOA Productions!

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Share your events and help us grow! Spread the word!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

MOA Productions!

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


NEW on MOA Productions! – The Quaggan Journey. A epic RP-ish event about four fun Quaggans rushing through Tyria!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

MOA Productions!

in In-game Events

Posted by: Lil Frightmare.5384

Lil Frightmare.5384

Hi, Love this idea, I myself have organised events for the guild I’m in, as we’re quite small the in-game guild events can be a struggle.

The issue I have with this however is, it can take me a few hours to research an test an event. From what Ive read above and on your site; I work for hours to create something, give it to you for free and you profit from it. Surely genuine contributors should receive some sort of payment or, say, 3 free orders of other events.

Don’t get me wrong – Im all for community sharing, but since the site says the first order is free and subsequent orders require payment, I feel maybe some sort of reward/payment should be given for contribution.

MOA Productions!

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hey Lil!

We thought of that! Look at it here (FAQ):

The more you share, the more money will be coming your way. The more you share, the more free events you can get. We’ll be sure to keep it fair and balanced!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~