(edited by Edgar Doiron.2804)
[PVE] Wednesday Map Exploration and Lore
This week we’re doing Caledon forest.
Meeting spot is here
Astorea Waypoint [&BDQBAAA=]
This week we’re doing Queensdale.
Meeting spot is here
Shaemoor Waypoint [&BO8AAAA=]
We don’t need to guest anymore, send me a whisper in-game and i’ll ferry to our map
This week we’re doing Wayfarer Foothills
Meeting spot is here
Horncall Waypoint [&BHQBAAA=]
This week we’re doing Plains of Ashford
Meeting spot is here
Smokestead Waypoint [&BIABAAA=]
This week we’re exploring the Brisban Wildlands
Meeting spot is here
Mrot Boru Waypoint [&BHUAAAA=]
Tonight we’re heading into Kessex Hills (Fort Salma Waypoint [&BAMAAAA=])
- Relive the story of the Tower of Nightmares, learn about how it affected Tyria.
- We’ll talk about Uzolan, his creations and ties to Minister Caudecus, and his attempt to kidnap Queen Jennah.
- The Consortium backstory, and their sudden interest in the Tower of Nightmares Debris.
- The Kraits, their ties to the Tower, the alliance with the Nightmare Court and their religion.
- The Wizard Tower
- The Tengu and Destroyers
And more.
Last week I had a little thing that came up before the event and couldn’t make it.
Take 2 is this week
Wow, what you’re doing here is awesome. May I suggest posting the news on the ‘Lore’ section? You’ll get tons of interest there. Personally I am very intrigued by GW’s lores as well.
Tonight we’re heading into Snowden Drifts
Highpass Haven Waypoint [&BLUAAAA=]
Tonight it’s Diessa Plateau
Nolan Waypoint [&BN4AAAA=]
Tonight we’re doing Fields of Ruin
Hawkgates Waypoint [&BNMAAAA=]
Tonight we’re in Harathi Hinterlands. Land of the Centaurs
Shieldbluff Waypoint [&BKYAAAA=]
(edited by Edgar Doiron.2804)
Updated the main post to reflect the change in schedule due to DDOS attacks on the server last week.
This week we’re re-doing Harathi Hinterlands
I would love something like this for the Sanctum of Rall server! I don’t think you can play with others cross server can you?
I would love to have someone do this in my timezone.
8:55pm (US Eastcoast time) is around 2:55am (EU Amsterdam time).
Any EU commanders or otherwise awesome people that can set this up?
I would very much appreciate it!
I would love something like this for the Sanctum of Rall server! I don’t think you can play with others cross server can you?
You can either Guest to Sorrow Furnace, or just send me a whisper once you’re in the map and I can Taxi you to our map instance.
Since the mega Servers, they’ve made it quite easy to play together.
This is awesome. Saw it on GW2 Facebook. Will bring an alt to run one of these nights.
You can either Guest to Sorrow Furnace, or just send me a whisper once you’re in the map and I can Taxi you to our map instance.
Since the mega Servers, they’ve made it quite easy to play together.
Awesome! Count me in! (:
This is awesome. Saw it on GW2 Facebook. Will bring an alt to run one of these nights.
I also saw this on Guild Wars 2’s Facebook page! So glad they decided to post it!
Tonight we’re in Harathi Hinterlands. Land of the Centaurs
Shieldbluff Waypoint [&BKYAAAA=]
Tonight we’re doing Dredgehaunt Cliffs. Land of the Dredge.
We’ll go over Dredge history, Dwarves and Jotun History.
Graupel Waypoint [&BGICAAA=]
Tonight we’re doing Blazeridge Steppes.
Twin Sisters Waypoint [&BPwBAAA=]
Tonight, the land of Pirates and Hyleks.
BloodTide Coast
Archen Foreland Waypoint [&BKMBAAA=]
Edgar – Just wanted to suggest the following linked website for completion maps and steps for all the zones. If you have 2 monitors you could have the map on one while running the game on the other. I use these when I am working on completion solo and it works out quite well.
Oh and just to let you know Norton Internet Security says that the website the maps are on is malicious, but I have never found anything wrong with the map files. Neither Norton or Malwarebytes have ever found anything on my computer after using the maps either.
Thanks Out!
Tonight we’re going deep in the Iron Marches.
The front line of the war. Charr Vs. Everyone else.
Their Main enemies on this map are the Flame Legion.
But to the East you have the dragonbrand and their branded.
And Recently we’ve seen Mordremoth reaching as far as the Iron Marches.
Meeting spot will be
Dewclaw Waypoint [&BOIBAAA=]
I’m cancelling it for this week.
Cancelled it on reddit a bit before 9, since the servers weren’t up
Tonight we’re going to travel to Timerline Falls
- See the different Grawl tribes worship different insignificant items
- Are Humans descendants of Grawls, or was it the Charrs?
- Mordremoth’s Reach
- Droknar’s Run
Meeting location: Krongar Waypoint [&BFICAAA=]
Canceling the event this week due to RL stuff.
Cya next week!
Tonight we’re going to travel to Sparkfly Fen
- Home to many Hylek Tribes.
- The Vigils and Valiants are fighting hard to keep the Risen under control
- Tequatl, Zhaitan’s Dragon Champion, made his home in this map, and his terrorizing the coastal area.
Meeting location: Orvar’s Glen Waypoint [&BMQBAAA=]
Meeting Time: 9:25pm (EDT), 1:25am (Server time)
Event Start: 9:30pm(EDT), 1:30am(server time)
I’ll have to start a bit later tonight (30 minutes) because of irl stuff
Tonight we’re travelling through FireHeart Rise
We’ll learn more about
- The Flame Legion
- The Flame Legion Imperator
- a Bit of Kodan History
- Grawls
- and more
Meeting location: Sati Waypoint [&BBYCAAA=]
Meeting Time: 8:55pm (EDT), 00:55am (Server time)
Event Start: 9:00pm(EDT), 1:00am(server time)
Tonight we’re climbing Mount Maelstrom
On our tour tonight we will learn more about
- Mount Maelstrom and its history
- Rumours about how it was created by Primordus
- The Destroyers
- Droknar’s Forge
- The Crucible of Eternity and the research into dragon
- and more
Meeting location: Broken Arrow Waypoint [&BNACAAA=]
Meeting Time: 8:55pm (EDT), 00:55am (Server time)
Event Start: 9:00pm(EDT), 1:00am(server time)
Tonight we’re Heading deep into the Straits of Devastation
On our tour tonight we will learn more about
- The Pact
- Fort Trinity
- The Magical Blue Orb
- Vizier Khilbron
- Abaddon
- Balthazar and Menzies
- and more
Meeting location: Bramble Pass Waypoint [&BOwCAAA=]
Meeting Time: 8:55pm (EDT), 00:55am (Server time)
Event Start: 9:00pm(EDT), 1:00am(server time)
Tonight winter is coming
On our tour tonight we will learn more about
- The Dwarves
- The Dredges
- The Kodan
- Jormag
- Norn
- and more
Meeting location: Arundon Waypoint [&BHgCAAA=]
Meeting Time: 8:55pm (EDT), 00:55am (Server time)
Event Start: 9:00pm(EDT), 1:00am(server time)
Tonight we’re going deeper in Orr
Heading in Malchor’s leap we will
- Talk about Balthazaar and Menzies (skipped him in Straits)
- Dwayna
- Lyssa ( Issa and Lys )
- Malchor
- The Orrian
- and more
There’s only one more zone to explore!
Meeting location: [&BKYCAAA=] Pagga’s Waypoint
Meeting Time: 8:55pm (EDT), 00:55am (Server time)
Event Start: 9:00pm(EDT), 1:00am(server time)
We have a mumble server (1.2.4/1.2.5), so if you have mumble and want to join us in voice chat, I’ll give that info before we start.
Look for Edgar Guard, you can join my squad by typing /squadjoin Edgar Guard
I’ll have my commander tag up, so if you don’t see me, send me a whisper. That way, I can ferry you to my map instance.
I’ll try to find an uncontested Balthazar for those that still need the skill point there. Will let you know my results about 10 minutes before we meet in Malchor’s Leap. If I find one will stay there and anybody that needs it can party with me. Looking forward to tonight.
The last map of our exploration event, 25 weeks coming to an end.
We’re exploring the dead land of Zhaitan
- The Exodus of the gods to Arah
- The Orrian Empire
- Melandru
- Grenth
- and more
There’s only one more zone to explore!
Meeting location: [&BBcDAAA=] Pursuit Pass Waypoint
Meeting Time: 8:55pm (EDT), 00:55am (Server time)
Event Start: 9:00pm(EDT), 1:00am(server time)
We have a mumble server (1.2.4/1.2.5), so if you have mumble and want to join us in voice chat, I’ll give that info before we start.
Look for Edgar Guard, you can join my squad by typing /squadjoin Edgar Guard
I’ll have my commander tag up, so if you don’t see me, send me a whisper. That way, I can ferry you to my map instance.