Hello fellow Tyrians!
Just wanted to inform you about the second REQ celebration event! Why a celebration event? Because The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] just turned 1 year old! Oke, so.. we first did a Scavenger Hunt, and at December 14th we’ll have a wicked tournement of Asura Ball!
Asura Ball gets more and more a thing in GW, I believe there even is an “Official Asura Ball league”. Want to know what Asura Ball is and what rules we use? Check out this post at the REQ-website: http://req.shivtr.com/news_entries/187653.
Want to join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]? Then leave a message at our forums: req.shivtr.com or contact me in-game. Be quick and you can still join the Asura Ball tournement! But if you’re too late for that, don’t worry.. We got more events coming!
Do you want to organize Asura Ball aswell, but do you need more information.. You can contact me in-game or go to: http://unlikelyasuraball.guildlaunch.com/.
Hope to have given you all a nice idea for more guild events..
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com