Hello fellow Tyrians!
The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] (Gandara Server) is organizing an 1v1 tournement on 27th of december 2013, 7 PM GMT. Several guilds are invited to join the tournement, including the guilds [TAC], [TKT], [MoF] and [CriT].
When you’re in one of the guilds names above, you will have instant acces to the tournement. When you’re not, but still would like to join.. leave a message (reply) right here! If there are any open places, we might be able to get you in!
We’ll start of with a few small leagues, so everyone gets to fight a few fights. The winners of the leagues will continue to the knock-out phase of the tournement. There will be smaller prizes for the winners of the leagues and a big prize for the winner of the tournement.
More information? Check out our website: http://req.shivtr.com/ .
Want to join [REQ]? Then contact me in-game, or leave a message at our forums: http://req.shivtr.com/forum_threads/1611234
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com
Just bumping this since it will be organized tonight! Looks like we can have a few ‘random’ people at the tournement.. so just leave a message and show us what you got!
Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~ req.shivtr.com