in In-game Events

Posted by: Krathor.9514



It’s been a while since our last big PvE event, Marching Orders. The last one was a rampage across the world before finally taking down Vinewrath. It was pretty successful and it’s time for another along the same lines. This aims to be another fantastic journey across the land, tackling some of the biggest challenges the game currently has to offer.

What’s different about this PvE event?

If you’ve not attended one of our ‘big’ events before, then pay attention: Myself (Duke) and my guild (RPS) hold huge PvE events that are open to pretty much everyone. We usually pick a location in Tyria then trek through the land, taking down bosses, events, jumping puzzles and mini-dungeons on the way.

If you missed our last one in March, click here to see what you can expect.

For our recent events, we’ve split the playerbase into separate zergs so people don’t get locked out by large map instances. That ends with this event though; it’s time for us to group together once again and charge across the landscape.

Won’t that cause some people to be locked out of the instance?

Maybe. We managed to cram everyone into one Silverwastes map at the end of Marching Orders and I’m hoping we can do the same for the entire event here. If we really, really have to then we’ll make an overflow army too.

What’s the plan?

Start at Fort Trinity in Straits of Devastation at 5PM GMT (that’s 6PM in Britain) on 6th June and head north. Kill Tequatl and take on the Triple Trouble meta event.

At this stage I’m saying we only kill one Wurm head together, as achieving all three takes a considerable amount of coordination that we’ll likely not get out of the fun-loving frolickers that join these events.

We’ll finish up in Dry Top, as it’s pretty underplayed; we covered the Silverwastes last time; we can probably hit the top tier; and I know people want to revisit it!

As mentioned above, we’ll surely find some more random things to tackle en route too.

What do you need?

Nothing really – just turn up at Fort Trinity at 5PM GMT and enjoy the ride. We’ll be using Mumble for voice antics (although it’s not a necessity) and details will be given out on the night.

There’s no level requirement; if you’re feeling lucky you can turn up with a level 5.

Unfortunately you do need to be in the EU in order to play with us.

What if I turn up to Fort Trinity and no one is there?

Simply whisper me (Duke Witherheart) in the game and I’ll get you a taxi across the the correct map.

Any questions? Comments?

Post them below!

Check the attachment for a cool poster you’re free to spread around.


Commander Duke Witherheart [RPS] on EU.

Blog (updated daily!): http://duke-w.tumblr.com


in In-game Events

Posted by: Krathor.9514


This is Saturday!

Click here to see it featured on the main Rock, Paper, Shotgun website. Click here to see it featured on the official Guild Wars 2 Tumblr!

Commander Duke Witherheart [RPS] on EU.

Blog (updated daily!): http://duke-w.tumblr.com


in In-game Events

Posted by: Krathor.9514


This is happening today!

Commander Duke Witherheart [RPS] on EU.

Blog (updated daily!): http://duke-w.tumblr.com


in In-game Events

Posted by: Krathor.9514


Many thanks to everyone who came out for this event – it was really busy and successful.

You can read a summary right here.

Stay tuned for the next one!

Commander Duke Witherheart [RPS] on EU.

Blog (updated daily!): http://duke-w.tumblr.com