The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014
Number 244, character name: Miss Graveblade
Number 244, character name: Miss Graveblade
Since 244 was already taken, I’ve given you number 243 dear. Hope that’s alright.
hi! I’ll take 216 C:
IGN: Aerithro
260 for -Celeste Devani if available pls
264 for me please
Character: Icewind Longbow
Question: how can we volunteer to the Costum Contest?
Just attend the event, and wear your best in-game costume or outfit. You don’t need a gem store costume, just mix and match in an original way. If it’s Halloween themed, and the judges like it, you could win one of the prizes.
Seems the 200 are already taken.
Any thoughts on an expansion?
Done. Just above your post. 201 to 300 is now available.
So that means, if I’m heading for the “worst outfit/armorskin” reward, I just have to go to LA in my… awkward (armor)skin appearance? This will be interesting! (I hope you will like it. :P )
Edit.: One last question. Since there are megaservers now and we have a lot of people, who wants to join, how are we going to meet and go to the same map? I mean, this is a popular event now, so there is a chance for a few of us will be separated to different LA maps. :/ (Sorry for my english mistakes.)
(edited by Menyus.1769)
262 would be great please
276 for me please
character name: Shaman Filo
(edited by Shaman Filo.1047)
259 would be great- Will Henderson
I’d love to be on the raffle too please,
266 or whatever number is best for you
scry or scry.3829
Edit.: One last question. Since there are megaservers now and we have a lot of people, who wants to join, how are we going to meet and go to the same map? I mean, this is a popular event now, so there is a chance for a few of us will be separated to different LA maps. :/ (Sorry for my english mistakes.)
Our staff will do their best to ferry people in. Apart from that, there’s really not much we can do.
I mean, it’s not like we can make clones of ourselves, no one can do that. NO ONE!
But in all seriousness, we do hope most of you can make it in. But it’s really out of our hands.
I’d love to be on the raffle too please,
266 or whatever number is best for you
Since 266 was already taken, I listed you for number 267.
I would like # 277
277 was also already taken, but I’ve listed you under 275.
(edited by Mad Queen Malafide.7512)
I would like # 277
I would like # 289
Please give whatever number your majesties see fit to bestow upon me to a character by the name of Jimmy the Donut. Long live Mad King Thorn!
I would like #229 (if is already taken , give me whatever number is free please ) (IGN: Tepsss)
(edited by Enigmista.3862)
Number 251 Toon Name: Darkon Ligator
Astralbien here. If 226 is available, I’d love it.
I’ll take number 213. My gut tells me it’s more likely to be picked than another number with 13, lucky halloween number, in it.
My character’s name is Illeesia.
Also, \o/ Aurora Glade!
Also, \o/ Aurora Glade!
That’s the spirit! AURORA GLADE!
288 for me please- Drafigo.4690 Please I love free stuff@
If 299 us available, I’d take that. =)
My name in game is Lanthun
Good morrow, my queen! I’m unable to attend the frightening celebration this year. Just stopping by to wish both you and the Frozen One the best of luck in this year’s ghostly gala.
We will have to find time later to meet and recall events of the past years. Have a frightful day!
Yours truly,
Malchior Devenholm
Such a pity that you can’t attend dearest Malchior! But alas. But thank you ever so kindly for your well wishes, and I shall relay them to the old snowman.
I’ll have any free number available please
dampstart.5081 / Talon Bek
I’ll have any free number available please
dampstart.5081 / Talon Bek
I’ve listed you under number 218.
Character name: Alarya Quell
Not sure how to pick a number that hasn’t been picked if they all seem to have been picked already, though :p
Can I still have 222?
(edited by Aristocrates.8396)
Character name: Alarya Quell
Not sure how to pick a number that hasn’t been picked if they all seem to have been picked already, though :p
Can I syill have 222?
222 was taken already, but I listed you for 221. We have a third list on the previous page, for numbers 201 to 300, right here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/events/The-King-and-Queen-s-Horrorween-2014/page/6
Character name: Alarya Quell
Not sure how to pick a number that hasn’t been picked if they all seem to have been picked already, though :p
Can I syill have 222?222 was taken already, but I listed you for 221. We have a third list on the previous page, for numbers 201 to 300, right here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/events/The-King-and-Queen-s-Horrorween-2014/page/6
Ah ok couldn’t find it before, thank you
i would like to have 272 (knottenkind)
I would like 271
ign: Glaera
I would like 33, Lilthie.
Thanks a ton! Can’t wait to draw you.
I’ll have 211 please! My character name is: Sythurani
282 is mine >:3
I would like 33, Lilthie.
Thanks a ton! Can’t wait to draw you.
We’re all looking forward to seeing your art Ragie/Lilthie. Since number 33 was already taken, I’ve listed you for number 295. Hope that’s okay.
(edited by Mad Queen Malafide.7512)
Can I have 212 please? – Guenever
(edited by stinortor.3421)
If 202 isn’t taken I will take it. Iriale Hix
290 – Deathbringer Rathon
If 202 isn’t taken I will take it. Iriale Hix
202 is taken already, so I’ve given you 208. I realize that now that we have three lists, one of which is on the previous page, that it is a bit hard to see which numbers haven’t been taken yet. But we’ll give people what ever closest number is still available, if they pick one that is already taken.
I’ll take any number – the name is Tuomir. I’ll definitely be there – who knows, I might even bring something of my own to the metaphorical table!
Number: 273
Character Name: Leon Scarlet
I’ll take 222 or any number that is available!
Character name: Sinamus
I’d like number 255, if it’s available. Or, as many 5’s in one number as possible, please.
209 ( or anything available) Name: Nicole Strange
(edited by Nicoleta.1580)
name: Exemplar Dinks
if it is taken I guess assign a random not taken number?
IGN: Linnes
Lore Monk: 293
Feel free to pick a number!
IGN: Elder Grayfox
236 for Vinas Sol
(edited by VinasSol.1294)