The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: FlowingWater.9082


Thanks again for the event. I did not take screenshots/videos sadly.

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: NoisyBoy.4218


Thanks for the great event last night it was amazing !!

Hereby… the Tower of Terror


Cleo’s quote “All beings have the right to live, to die and to die again.”

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Thank you all for attending, and making this such an amazing celebration. I was really impressed by the art submissions too. Thanks also to all our staff, who worked really hard. We may have been a little understaffed, so everyone was doing dozens of things simultaneously. But it all worked out just great in the end. I hope you all had a ghoulish time, and see you at Wintersday!

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: Daniel Frozenwind.2946

Daniel Frozenwind.2946

Here are the main event activity winners:

Forum Raffle:
1. Dinz.4120
2. Shuuk.4803
3. FlowingWater.9082
4. Iffy.6240
5. BakerCat.4298

Ingame Lottery:
1. Faidon.1964
2. Kageryushi.6174
3. Silverdisc.1305
4. Kyewtee.6983

Art Contest:
1st place Beast.9053
2nd place BakerCat.4298
3rd place Alxxorz.9153


One (1) Snowman Helm required. 100k + XXX Ecto.

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: CornishRose.2815


Still sifting through 10 hours worth of video footage, will get that done soon

Anyhoo. Have uploaded some screenshots Here

Heres just a few of the shots though….








The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hennu.6037


Still sifting through 10 hours worth of video footage, will get that done soon


It is a blessing that you take that time to record and do all that video data sorting!! /me bows to dear Cornish We value the videos so much because the memories are so dear! And for a staff member its so fun to see something from that other angle.. “Oh thats how it looked!”

Thank you so much for doing all that.

P.S. AMAZING screenies!!!!!!! THANK YOU from whole crew!!

Hen Solo ~Staff member of AG PvE FUN Event Organizer Crew.
Guild: Happy Enchanted Heroes [HEH]

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: CornishRose.2815


Hai! Sorry it took a while, but that was a lot of footage to cut down to 30mins


The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: Beast.9053


I won first place in the Art Contest and I did not get the reward. Unfortunately, I was not online when the event was. I will get a reward or not? I would like to ask i will get mini lama code or mini? I have one mini lama, because last year I won the same art contest. I would like to give mini lama as a gift for my daughter.

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I won first place in the Art Contest and I did not get the reward. Unfortunately, I was not online when the event was. I will get a reward or not? I would like to ask i will get mini lama code or mini? I have one mini lama, because last year I won the same art contest. I would like to give mini lama as a gift for my daughter.

Of course you’ll receive it darling, you don’t need to be online for the art contest. I’ll notify the snowman, and we’ll make sure you receive your prize. I’m sure there was a mix up or something.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: Daniel Frozenwind.2946

Daniel Frozenwind.2946

I won first place in the Art Contest and I did not get the reward. Unfortunately, I was not online when the event was. I will get a reward or not? I would like to ask i will get mini lama code or mini? I have one mini lama, because last year I won the same art contest. I would like to give mini lama as a gift for my daughter.

Hiya Beast, after some minor issues (aka real life getting in the way, bah!) and careful handling of the code/prize, you should now find them waiting for you in-game!

I hope you had a Happy Horrorween and your daughter enjoys her new companion!


Daniel Frozenwind

One (1) Snowman Helm required. 100k + XXX Ecto.

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: Hennu.6037


Hai! Sorry it took a while, but that was a lot of footage to cut down to 30mins


Omg, Cornish! I love that video!! Thank you so much! You did super amazing job going trough 6h of event material and making such awesome video.. YAY!!

Hahaha, laughed at some parts of Tower of Terror clips. I was going to brutally kick, then I saw it was you and panicked and kicked too early anyway with the skeleton kick. Then..we were staring each other and then you jumped off with your lil quaggan.. waii?:D Hahahah

I sadly did not catch video on my own pc of that strange combo kick me and Eexa did.. if you read this, our poor innocent victim (who got double kicked by 2 staff members, from different stages of Tower of Terror, and fell to death) sorry ;( and it was in the name of horrorween:D!!

Anyway, thank you for everyone who joined and shared these memories with us now. See you in the next event.

Hen Solo ~Staff member of AG PvE FUN Event Organizer Crew.
Guild: Happy Enchanted Heroes [HEH]

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Rose darling, thank you so much for making that wonderful video. That must have been a lot of work. The Queen is so glad that you were there to document our Halloween event.

Unrelated, but to all our fans and all the players, I hope you are all alright in light of the recent attacks in Paris. It is a terrible tragedy, and I pray to Grenth that none of you were in the middle of this horrible real world event. Please be safe.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

The King and Queens Horrorween 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: akase.8420


Hey, if i understood correctly, there was gonna be drawing of the costume contest winners? Where may i find this picture?
After few months passed, ty still for a neat event combo :J