Hello All!
I bring you news from the planning team at Gamer’s Giving Back and volunteers from all over Tyria!
We have fully updated our website at toga.gamergivingback.com for our event – but here are the details of the event – so far!
Where and When:
April 19th from 1pm-5pm CDT
Divinity’s Reach – NA Servers – Henge of Denravi and 1 Overflow hosted by TTS
- EU Servers – Desolation ( awaiting confirmation Overflow)
Tentative Event Schedule
1:00pm – Kick Off and Introductions (Trivia ingame, Both Gw 1 and 2 , will run every 10 minutes or so between mic breaks)
1:15pm – On-air Interview with MS Society Member
1:30pm – Roman Race Begins in Guild Wars 2 / Magical Mystery Tour to Cure MS in Guild Wars 1 On-going for event
2:00pm – Signup for Battle for Balthazar Begins
1:45pm – Costume Contest Begins for both GW 1 and 2
2:30pm – Battle for Balthazar Begins in Guild Wars 2
3pm – Deadline for Unique Recipe to Cure MS for Guild Wars 1
3:45pm – Creation of “M.S.” ingame and “QUANGA” Line in Divinity’s Reach and Crazy Conga in Guild Wars 1
4pm – Thank Yous and Kick-off of After Party!
Ingame Events( Don’t worry if you can’t be in the zones where stuff is going on – more details below about other ways you can participate)
*Map Chat Quizzes with ingame loot rewards
*Roman Race for Cure – riddle and lore related race in Divinity’ s Reach
*Battle for Balthazar – Costume Brawl of the Grandest Kind! ( the prizes are awesome – you just wait and see :O)
*Roman/Toga Costume Contest – With the 2 theme colours for MS being Red( Canada) and Orange ( International) we want to see your best Toga /Roman costume that can be a combination of any armor or a combination of Town Clothes!
Social Media and Livestreaming
Guildwars2live.com will be livestreaming the event during the whole day! They also will have opportunities for people to win prizes by watching their stream – so if you can’t join us ingame or can’t get into the area – you can still win!
GW-EN.com is our radio hosting site and we will be streaming radio that day with even more prizes and information about the event! \o/
Twitter ? Make sure to follow @gamergivingback and use #endms and #gw2toga as Hashtags to have your messages go live on guildwars2live.com – they might ALSO win you a prize – so get tweeting!
Our facebook page will also have announcements and updates :
http://www.gamergivingback.com/ You can find it via our website!
If any players, guilds, alliances or community groups still want to be “Gamers that Give Back” we are still collecting ingame loot donations up until April 18th. Donations can be sent via ingame mail to Yailith.4056 or contact me via rhonda@gw-en.com
Our final Volunteer meeting is April 13th at Noon Server time on GW-EN ventrilo.
You can also head to toga.gamergivingback.com and donate $10CDN or more for a chance to win prizes from our donation prize list! Here is the link for the donation website : http://mssoc.convio.net/site/TR/Walk/SaskatchewanDivision?px=1347187&pg=personal&fr_id=3023&s_locale=en_CA
Once again – thanks for all the support for our events and see you all ingame!
Rhonda and the Gamers Giving Back Team