Triple Wurm Thursday!!!!

Triple Wurm Thursday!!!!

in In-game Events

Posted by: hezar.6598


On Thursday Sept. 18 at 8am server time we are planning a triple wurm attack!!! We will explain the fight for those who are new and don’t be afraid to volunteer for a job we will explain everything. We also have a Team Speak Available for use which I may post on here later. Since we have a mega sever another way for getting into the same map is to join on Katsumi Miyuki and Narokh or just find us in the LFG

Date: Sept 18. (Thursday) [plan to continue every Thursday]
Time: 7:10- 7:30 (meeting time) starts around 8am server time
Location: Bloodtide Coats @ Firthside Vigil WP

PS. Please be there early so we can set up 30-50 mins b4 the fight. (I’m going to do a quick TEQ run then head over to Triple wurm)

~*~ Katsumi ~*~

Triple Wurm Thursday!!!!

in In-game Events

Posted by: The Demacian.3165

The Demacian.3165

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