“To all Tyrians, your time has come. Times have not been easy for Tyria, and no sign of change concerning that is in sight. Zhaitan has fallen, but the Elder Dragons are still very much a threat. This last year we saw Scarlet bring together five different races of Tyria, along with other forces of her own making. During that year Tyria changed, yet certain events happened in the shadows and were left unspoken of, dealt with in the best manners possible, and these also left their share of marks on Tyria.
Recently, we have come to know of certain events that may very well change the course of Tyria, and to ensure we take grasp of it’s future, for us, for all Tyrians, we must unite!
The Elder Dragons may be the greatest threat at hand, however, we cannot disregard or overlook what else happens, and what has happened in the past year.
All shall be briefed on the unspoken events of 1326, and even some counting back to 1320.
You will live cold nights and difficult decisions will be made. But know that you will not be alone, you will have Tyria beside you. Protectors of Tyria, to the brave and the honorable, stand your ground against what is to come, and honor your calling.
The time for Tyria’s Wyld Hunt has come.
Almorra Soulkeeper, of the Vigil.
Master of Whispers, of the Order of Whispers.
Steward Gixx, of the Durmond Priory."
Tyria’s Wyld Hunt
Season 3 – Episode 1
Hosted by: [WYLD] & Aurora Glade
World: Aurora Glade (Cross-Server, anyone from any server can guest and join)
Location: Vigilant Hills, Gendarren Fields. Just Southwest of the Vigil Keep. Overflows NOT supported.
Date: 27th April, Sunday, 5PM GMT
Prizes: Prizes will be given out to one winner of each order specific challenge(3 winners total).
Counting with the participation of Mad Queen Malafide and Daniel Frozenwind!
Tyria’s Wyld Hunt, is a concept project looking to further expand(while remaining faithful) on Arenanet’s Living World Concept, a parallel Living Story in the Living World of Tyria.
You can expect a story that branches, with choices to be made, and consequences to face, every player will have the opportunity to speak, whether it may be through in-game events, or online polls, and the story presented will change accordingly.
A main framework of the story for Season 3 has been made, however, that’s just what it is, a framework. How exactly we reach certain destinations, and IF certain events even happen, will be up to the player.
This project will happen alongside ANet’s official Living Story, in the same Living World, as a parallel. Our aim is to bring even more life to Tyria, and even CHANGE it! Be a part of Tyria!
A list of guidelines to better enjoy the events is available: click here
We encourage freeplay roleplay, meaning, this is your story in the world of Tyria. Your character can become a villain, or a respected hero, the choice is yours, and so are your actions, although the main goal of this story is to unite Tyria.
Important pages to check are:
- The Season Overviews, available in the Story Page. Detailed Episode summaries available, but not necessary.
Season Overview Page
Episodes Page
- Living Episode Page, where you can find out about the present or upcoming events, polls, and even details on some “minor” events that may happen outside the episodes, since Tyria is, after all, “a living, breathing world”. This page will constantly change, even without an ongoing episode.
Living Episode Page
We strongly suggest that you read up on the Season Overviews in order to better enjoy all that will be happening.
All that happens, happens according to the GW2 timeline chronology:
Seasons 1 & 2: 1326 A.E, Season of the Collossus, aligned with Earth.
To participate in these events, no affiliation to WYLD is necessary. However, if you’d like to go even deeper in this project’s development(story or other), check out the Join Us Page.
Join Us Page
We hope you’ll help us grow, as this project will no longer be just ours, but yours too
We’d like to thank:
- All the WYLD members who have shown constant passion and dedication for this project!
- Mad Queen Malafide and Daniel Frozenwind for their participation!
- The AG Fun Sig community for their cooperation!
- ArenaNet for giving players the possibility to not only experience a Living World, but bring it to life as well!
UPDATE: Check below in bold
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)