Wintersday Event Underworld 15th of December

Wintersday Event Underworld 15th of December

in In-game Events

Posted by: Kikkah.2306


Hi there fellow Guild Wars Players!

As you all might know Wintersday is coming! Because of this i thought it would be fun to hold a server wide Wintersday event. I’ve been working on this for quite a while now and its now time to put it out there

Everybody is welcome so invite your friends make use of those guest passes.
The event will be on the Underworld Server on the 15th of December starting at 15:00 GMT+1

Poster of the event!

For people unable to read the image:

On the 15th of December on 15:00 GMT+1 there will be a server wide Wintersday Event hosted on the Underworld Server.

We will be gathering on Grand Piazza in Lions Arch. In this event we will have Quizes, Bell Choir Contest, Hide ’n Seek, Tonic Train, Snowball Fights.

Beside all this we will also be giving away some random items to players to share the Christmas spirit!

We hope to see you on the 15th of December on Underworld at Grand Piazza starting at 15:00 GMT+1!

EDIT: Updated the image to contain more information about the events

(edited by Kikkah.2306)

Wintersday Event Underworld 15th of December

in In-game Events

Posted by: Yailith.4056


Posted on the twitter/facebook to spread the word! Have a great event – Barbie