Yak Gathering: Temple Cleansing night.

Yak Gathering: Temple Cleansing night.

in In-game Events

Posted by: almostdaft.4319


Tonight will mark our second run of our weekly Temple Cleansing. As stated in this video, we (PRTY Gaming) try to bring the Yak’s Bend community together for nightly temple cleansing starting at 10:00 PM EST every Saturday. We choose 10:00 PM to have this later in the night, for the players who just get off work or from a rather busy day and can never find open temples, or temple runs.

However, we shouldn’t stop at Yak’s Bend. We would like to invite the whole GW2 community that’s interested in this nightly run. Trays of Omnomberry Bars are given out, in addition.

PRTY Gaming will be giving out random items and money to randomly selected people in the zerg. We will start at Balth, are work our way west to eventually Grenth.

Meet us at Fort Trinity at 10:00 PM EST! Look for Commander Sano Armitage!