[Aco] Expanding our dungeon/fractal community

[Aco] Expanding our dungeon/fractal community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pazu.8320


Hello! Pazu here, GW2 enthusiast and leader of Acolytes [Aco]. We are a 100+ member guild on NA looking for more players who enjoy efficient dungeon and fractal runs or who are interested in learning the tactics of successful runs in depth. There is a core group of about 10-15 of us who enjoy speed clearing and experimenting with new tactics in both dungeons and fractals, but we want to expand. That is where YOU come in.

Unlike many hard core PvE guilds, we encourage everyone to play the classes they enjoy in a way that is entertaining, though we do expect everyone to pull their weight in dps and support. We also ask that you join us in Mumble (voice comms) to coordinate our runs and to simply hang out. This allows us to save time and unease typing in chat, enables us to be more experimental in our approach to any part of a dungeon or fractal, improves our recoveries from risky situations, and most of all helps us get to know each other better. Our goal is to have fun while also improving our level of play.

What we offer
- Daily dungeons and fractals (up to level 50)
- An active Mumble server (voice comms)
- An active forum
- Weekly guild missions
- Standard guild buffs
- PvP and small WvW/EotM groups

Requirements: 100% rep (bank guilds excepted) and have fun!

About Acolytes
Acolytes is a multi-game guild, of which GW2 is one of several chapters that include Wildstar, Rift, ESO, and EQNL. The GW2 chapter has been active since launch. We were world first to complete both Guild Puzzle and Guild Challenge, as well as server first Guild Rush and Trek. We are based on the Sanctum of Rall server, though we are now recruiting from any server because megaservers and guesting have made home server in PvE obsolete. Also, if you tweet, follow our twitter page.

How to Contact us
Please contact any of the following people through an in-game mail for an invite as well as throwing a quick application up on our forums.

Hoton Hedley
Kaitara Wayland

Paul Lukische (ele), Pazu Plus One (ranger), Oh The Pazubilities (mes) et al – Sanctum of Rall
Champion Titles: Legionnaire, Genius, Magus, Paragon, Illusionist, Phantom, Shadow, Ritualist
Spectral Legion [SL] is recruiting! spectrallegion.com

(edited by Pazu.8320)

[Aco] Expanding our dungeon/fractal community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Walker.3056


Great Guild. Make sure to check it up!

To be honest it is the first and only guild that makes me feel like ive made real friends!
Thanks all the Aco <3 yall

[Aco] Expanding our dungeon/fractal community

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lanfear.9802


Yay, go Aco! Great guild, highly recommended.