Aftershock [Wake] Recruiting, Hardcore WvW FA

Aftershock [Wake] Recruiting, Hardcore WvW FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Havvik Nightseeker.3485


Aftershock or [Wake] is NA/EU WvW Guild. . we are a skilled group and mainly focused on finding fights and GvGs, PPT is not important. we always search for the best fights and never back down.

Who We Want

we are looking for mature players who are not only looking to create and become one of the best guilds in gw2, but to create a fun, friendly community.

we dont want care bears (people who hate trolling, complain constantly etc etc)

someone who loves competitive WvW as much as we do,

What we Expect

1. you are expected to raid with us (if you are online) during raid times, raid times usually last from 8-9pm est to 12-1am est are expected to run the guild’s builds, however if you feel your original build is better, you can submit it for possible approval to your Team Leader
3. you will are expected to play at a high skill level. if your skill level is found inadequate or you do not improve during the one week trial period, than you will not be accepted
4. you are expected to respect not only me, but any member of the guild,
5. you are expected to be online at least 3-4 days a week. anything less than that and you will not be playing enough to improve with Wake
6. you are held responsible if you make a mistake, if your having a problem in fight(s), identify what you need to improve on and work on it.
7. you must use ts during all raids and a mic (unless irl deems otherwise e.g sleeping family) very important to be in ts to be able to coordinate with the guild
8. kick kitten and have fun.


to apply you must answer all the recruitment questions here

once you are accepted you will be put on a one week trial period where you are not only watched for your skill level, but how well you get along with everyone and how well you fit on our community. at the end of that trial period if everything looks good you are in!

hope to see you on the field and i look forward to meeting you guys/reading your applications

GL of Wake

[Wake] main driver/GL

(edited by Havvik Nightseeker.3485)

Aftershock [Wake] Recruiting, Hardcore WvW FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bucket Lips.5017

Bucket Lips.5017

I have seen these guys in action. They definitely have their kitten together and are well organized and kick kitten . I highly recommend this guild if you are a hardcore WvWer.

P.S. Welcome to FA Wake. We are very happy you chose us as your new home

Bucket Lips

Fort Aspenwood

Aftershock [Wake] Recruiting, Hardcore WvW FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Havvik Nightseeker.3485

thank you for the bump and the welcome happy to be here.

we are recruiting all heavy/light armour classes (to some degree, we only need one necro)

[Wake] main driver/GL

Aftershock [Wake] Recruiting, Hardcore WvW FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Havvik Nightseeker.3485

friendly bump to keep the thread active

[Wake] main driver/GL