Agenda [GNDA] - EU LGBTQ guild

Agenda [GNDA] - EU LGBTQ guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nikku.3562


LGBTQ-gamer? Agenda (level 23 at time of posting) offers a safe & non-sexist space for QUILTBAG gamers. All levels and servers welcome (Piken Square-based though). Dedicated allies also welcome.

Agenda has been active since launch in 2012, with a core membership of good friends and many other affiliated players. We take a relaxed attitude to repping and multi-guilding, and though many of our members do spend all their time with us we’re also happy to have people who just want the option of a welcoming, friendly and supportive space to visit when they need one.

We have a guild hall (Gilded Hollow) with tavern, mine, workshop, war room, arena and market, all under constant upgrading thanks to our driven and dedicated membership.

We run guild missions every Saturday and planned events every Sunday (such as HP/mastery runs and map completions), and are currently putting a new raiding group together to tackle Spirit Vale.

When out of game, we keep in touch through our secret Facebook group.

If you think you’d be a good fit for Agenda, message nikku.3562, Elvirais.5472 or femko.7263 in game.

Founder of Agenda [GNDA] – an LGBT-friendly guild

Agenda [GNDA] - EU LGBTQ guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


Friendly bump! =)