Who we are
Our principle foci are currently WvW (both hardcore and casual) and PvE play, but conversely little PvP and no appreciable GvG.
In short, we are a mature small to modest-sized Australian-British/EU guild.
But note that the word “mature” does not refer to age or a licence to treat people poorly/tell dirty jokes. On the contrary: we are only interested in players who conduct themselves well and will be a positive reinforcement to guildmates. This means we treat guildmates with respect and don’t berate or swear at them and have no tolerance for discriminatory language. This maturity policy is a core, non-negotiable part of being in our guild.
Members come from diverse backgrounds: Ph.D. educated professionals, lawyer interns, undergraduate students and a variety of others. Guild chat can, and has, featured diverse discussion on the 2nd law of thermodynamics through to swimming and beyond. Many members have families and real life responsibilities — we know what this can mean for your playing time and respect it.
We have members ranging from casual and occasional, to frequent and experienced, from folks just starting out, to higher levels.
Guild organization
We have several co-leaders, all of whom are happy to speak to you about recruitment.
Promotion through our ranks is dependant on your behaviour and not on your main character’s level, or set of exotic equipment: whether you’ve been active in guildchat helping answering questions, whether you’ve actively helped your guildmates out in PvE and WvW, and how much you’ve supported the guild over time will all be taken in to account.
We coordinate using both Ventrilo in game and our guild website: alpharius.enjin.com at other times to plan events.
When we play
Usually around UK peak times (evening of UTC+0hr; weekends) and Australian peak times (evenings of UTC+10hr; weekends).
WvW Specific Information
In WvW, we often run with (and command in) the main zerg in borderlands and EB, but our specialism is guerrilla tactics deep inside enemy territory and small group/guild synergy havoc teams plus roaming. We’re currently looking for:
- New players. We are only too happy to show new WvW players around. If you’re mainly a PvE players and would like an introduction to WvW, please contact us.
- Players from higher tiers looking for something other than zergs. We’d like to learn from you, and we’d like to share some of our knowledge about how we fight in outnumbered situations.
- Players of all classes willing to learn and adapt our guerrilla tactics and small team havoc style. This means mature players who realize that even if we get wiped-out we have served our purpose by splitting and diverting the enemy zerg.
We currently use a Ventrilo server to coordinate in WvW. We encourage new members to use it, but we acknowledge that some players prefer to simply listen and follow, rather than speak all the time. We expect mature behaviour on our WvW channel, as we do in guildchat. We also our guild website to discuss WvW builds (etc.), and develop strategies and tactics.
PvE Specific Information
We’re after:
*higher PvE levels for Dungeoneering (and other end game content: dragons, etc.), and those who are willing to help and give advice and guidance to lower level characters across the playing map, including meta events (Behemoth, Dragons, etc.).
*lower PvE levels (both newbies and alternate characters) to adventure with other guildmates, do personal story elements, map hearts, skill points, vistas, group events, living story elements in living stories, and be sociable.
If you’re interested in joining us, please be aware we require:
1) Representation: except for your own one-person flavour guild for banking, we expect representation.
2) Mature acting (regardless of actual age): no dramas, no hate speech, no cursing guild mates (etc.). Many of us have limited play time due to (e.g.) children and don’t want to spend valuable time resolving conflict.
Contact us
If after reading this and our background information you feel our guild and philosophy is for you, then please feel free to whisper or message (either here or in game) myself or the co-leaders for an invite. If you don’t hear anything within 48hr, please contact a different leader (all of us have real life commitments or have to travel due to work, and, shock-horror, even take holidays!).
Best regards on behalf of the Alpharius leadership,
jabberjabber.6804 (main character = Aldronia);
PebbleMaster.4012 (main character = Mido Ichi);
dopeko.5694 (main character = Tigris Code);
Darkwain.3829 (main character = Degadeth)
Guild Leader of Alpharius [Alph]: a PvX guild in Gandara
(edited by jabberjabber.6804)