Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Krevra.4289


[ATK] Always Attack is now recruiting dedicated WvW players. We are a currently a small and organized group of 8-10 looking to grow. We Raids during NA prime hours from 6pm – 9pm+ server. We have been around for approx. 3 months now and while we are a new guild we use the current metas and continuously theorycraft new builds and change the way we play so that we can dominate our foes in the next fights in the open field. We are situated in Fort Aspenwood server. We recently changed our guild name from [BMS] Better Metal Snake to [ATK] Always Attack

A few videos of us in action with approx 6-10 guildies while we had the tag [BMS]. Check out our channel for more videos.


To apply visit our website at:

What we have to offer

  • Collect loots an stuffs.
  • We are always looking to learn and evolve from our previous raids.
  • Be competitive in the wvw scene
  • Tight-knit community who works well with each other
  • Theorycrafting synergy builds and tactics
  • Help improve your own game

Recruitment Information:

  • We are looking for dedicated WvWers
  • Looking for skilled WvWers who to strive to excel
  • Players that can adapt to situations quickly
  • WvWers that want to be competitive
  • Properly geared for WvW using synergy builds

Recruitment Status:
Warrior: High
Guardian: High
Elementalist: High
Necromancer: Medium
Mesmer: Medium
Thief: Low
Engineer: N/A
Ranger: N/A

To apply visit our website at:

Contact Information:
Krevra.4289 Number Fourtyseven
oregonice.6324 Gaurdian Angle
thelamacmdr.2673 Tosaka
Ramsta.6534 Tritix

Number Fourtyseven
Guild leader of [BMS] Better Metal Snake

(edited by Krevra.4289)

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: CAA.9653


For those looking for a havoc group, consider joining ATK.

Glad to have you guys in FA.

Guardian – Cameid, but my friends call me Cam

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Krevra.4289


Great to be here on FA, though the only reason we been doing any sort of havoc is cause we just xfer an have low numbers, but we have been recruiting heavily since we came to FA, we are currently up to 17 active members in the guild. Recruitment in FA has been going great so far, far exceeded my expectations. Hopefully tonight we can get a good raid going. We are always looking for good fights in the open field

Number Fourtyseven
Guild leader of [BMS] Better Metal Snake

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: oregonice.6324


ATK is still recruiting! We are having a blast here and getting more numbers, we are now over 20 active. Looking for more fun fights with the new map changes! Feel free to msg me directly in game if you are interested about us!

[LAG] Guild Leader Quality over Quantity.
Commander Guardian Angle(

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: oregonice.6324


Over 25 active now, currently raiding with 8-15 nightly. We are still looking for a few more skilled members!

[LAG] Guild Leader Quality over Quantity.
Commander Guardian Angle(

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: oregonice.6324


Here are a few fights over that past few weeks! We are still looking for more skilled wvwers!

[LAG] Guild Leader Quality over Quantity.
Commander Guardian Angle(

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Atreidies.6257


Definitely recommend this guild they are exceptionally skilled players with a Sacrx like commander

[NV] Night Vision
Trick Trick Trick
Guild Leader

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Krevra.4289


Our website has moved to

Number Fourtyseven
Guild leader of [BMS] Better Metal Snake

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: oregonice.6324


[LAG] Guild Leader Quality over Quantity.
Commander Guardian Angle(

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joey.2769


This group makes quick work of their enemy whether equal numbers or outnumbered ATK gets it done!

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: oregonice.6324


A new short video to show what we are about! We still have spots left in our guild roster!

[LAG] Guild Leader Quality over Quantity.
Commander Guardian Angle(

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Krevra.4289


ATK is recruiting on FA server, PM me Number Fourtyseven, or Tritix for more information!

Number Fourtyseven
Guild leader of [BMS] Better Metal Snake

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: oregonice.6324


We still are looking for new skilled members!

[LAG] Guild Leader Quality over Quantity.
Commander Guardian Angle(

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: oregonice.6324


We have grown and improved, now we are looking to expand again with skilled new members!

[LAG] Guild Leader Quality over Quantity.
Commander Guardian Angle(

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: oregonice.6324


This is what we are all about.

[LAG] Guild Leader Quality over Quantity.
Commander Guardian Angle(

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cheloss.1453


with some more numbers these guys would be very scary

Por la Razón o La Fuerza [CL]
Fuerte de Aspenwood

Always Attack[ATK] Recruiting in FA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Delune.4817


Really great guild! Zerg busting to the max!

Commander All The Delune, Fort Aspenwood
Guild Leader of [TK]
“FA, stomping bandwagons since 2012….”