Anchors of Fire [AoF] - RoF - WvW

Anchors of Fire [AoF] - RoF - WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hushy.9530



We are a new guild based on the Ring of Fire server. We formed the guild around 2-3 weeks ago and have been growing fairly steadily.

We currently have a roster of around 20+ members, all are active however we lack some professions and a little experience.

We are mainly looking to add some experienced WvW players to our ranks so we can better prepare for scrims and GvG’s. We also currently have an opening for an experienced commander or someone who is interested in becoming a commander (Someone with a gvg/scrim background prefered).

We are open to people that are commited to helping us grow and improve. If you are willing to learn then we are happy to help you.

Give me a shout in game if you are interested and we can talk more Hushy.9530


P.s check our website –

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

Anchors of Fire [AoF] - RoF - WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hushy.9530


Welcomed a new Ele to the guild today Still looking for the above ^

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

Anchors of Fire [AoF] - RoF - WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hushy.9530


Welcomed 2 new members today which takes us to a roster of 25 xD We are still looking for a couple more experienced players

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

Anchors of Fire [AoF] - RoF - WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stone.1365


We have grown a lot over the past few weeks and currently have a roster of 32 active members. We raid most nights with 15-18 members however we are still looking to add a couple people to our ranks.

We would ideally like to add the following -

1x Mesmer
1x Necro

Experienced applications from other classes will be considered.

Apply on our website

In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader

Guild Officer and Raid Leader – Violent Intent [Vi]
Community Member/WvW Commander – PS EU Server

Anchors of Fire [AoF] - RoF - WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stone.1365


Looking to add two more experienced WvW players to our ranks
Recruitment is now open for
1 x Warrior
1 x Guardian

Exceptional applications from other classes will also be considered.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve(Only applies to classes listed above)

Apply on our website

In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader

Guild Officer and Raid Leader – Violent Intent [Vi]
Community Member/WvW Commander – PS EU Server

Anchors of Fire [AoF] - RoF - WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hushy.9530


Once again recruitment is open! We are looking for active and dedicated members!

2x Guardians
2x Warriors
1x Ele
1x Necro
1x Mesmer

Exceptional applications from other classes will also be considered.

If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve(Only applies to classes listed above)

Apply on our website

In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

Anchors of Fire [AoF] - RoF - WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hushy.9530


Recruitment is currently open to all classes on an app by app basis.
If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.
Apply on our website
In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]

Anchors of Fire [AoF] - RoF - WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Yes I Cap.5389

Yes I Cap.5389

Bump for the brothers!

Cap Plox
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!

Anchors of Fire [AoF] - RoF - WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hushy.9530


Currently looking for the following -

2x Guardians
2x Warriors
1x Thief
1x Necro
1x Ele

If you are a new player to WvW you can also apply and we will provide you with the training you need to improve.

Apply on our website

In-game contacts
Hushy.9530 – Guild Leader
Raven.2496 – Guild Officer
Stone.1365 – Guild Officer/Raid Leader

Guild Leader – Eternal Riot [ER]