Any start up Pvp teams? NA

Any start up Pvp teams? NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Abraxius.6429


Hey guys its Dannyle go by Danny in game, just was wonderin if any Spvp teams are lookin to recruit? I’m a r80 I Main Guard (Have mained it since launch) and am a great Necromancer as well. I’m would consider myself very knowledgeable of my classes and feel I could offer a team a great deal of experience. I would love to try out or whatever I need to do to prove myself to some teams, I hope to hear from some ppl i would love to fill a Guardian role any build needed. Have no problem playin necro if needed.


The Lawful Danyyle
(Reality is Unbalanced)

Any start up Pvp teams? NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tanglewood.7523
