[BEER] Dungeon Riders | PvX | EU

[BEER] Dungeon Riders | PvX | EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Razzy.2741


Hello there everyone,

Dungeon Riders could use a few new recruits, thus I’m opening the door to our infamous bar.

In short, cos nobody sane would read long posts – we are mature guild with very nice, friendly and talented members (except for Phax, he is one grumpy charr. And he bites. And he stole my cookies!). We do mostly dungeons, although a few of us got into PvP and every now and then we check what’s going on in WvW. We have both, very experienced dungeon runners as well as beginners who want to learn, we don’t mind people without the skill, we can show you how to do things right. Elitism is not accepted in our guild, malicious behaviour and arrogant attitude is not welcome either.

Our members are usually 20-30 years old, both guys and girls, but we could use a few more female players ^^ So, if you are a fun girl who knows how to dodge everything (pervy talks mostly, you know how it is in bars), you are more than welcome!

On a serious note, there is only one way to find out how it is with us, and in rare case you dislike our company, you are free to go without any harm.

Most of us are on Desolation server, but it shouldn’t matter much, as long as you are european.

You can check our site, if you are interested in artistic designs: BEER.

If you are interested, you can reply in here, or catch me in game.
IGN: Razzy Angelo

BEER Guild - Dungeon Riders