(edited by colddrum.1402)
[BKB] all spvp guild [NA]
have headset/mic please
BKB is noob friendly ….but we have hardcore teams within the guild.
had a ton of whispers. we are still recruiting guys
A lot of fun! Make sure to have a mic and it’s all of fun! usually can find a team in hours that we play
we do tons of duels, tpvp, 3v3, inhouse 5v5 matches, we even stack hotjoins like kittens sometimes. we are age/gender/orientation/race friendly.
it should be noted that we do not require you to rep since we totally understand that people have wvw/pve guilds 5 guild function is there for a reason.
teams are filling up still got a couple spots
BKB is awesome! The in-house training is SO much fun, with so many people! Plus I really enjoy how a lot of the guild members will take the time to work on everyone’s builds one on one!
currently only recruiting hardcore pvpers
I new to PVP, but I’m hardcore.
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