Blackened Fury [FURY] Dragonbrand (NA)

Blackened Fury [FURY] Dragonbrand (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ivy.8702


Hello Guys!

We are a smaller PvX guild looking for new members to rep and run with. We are a newb friendly guild but we are also looking for experienced players to run dungeons and temples with us. Everyone is welcome, and we strive to be encouraging and effective teachers. We just need some Furiously Awesome people to run with! :]

Perks of being in FURY:

-10% Magic Find Boost, All Day Every Day
-Daily Temples/Dungeons (Including Fractals)
-Access to Guild Bank
-Awesome Guild Chat (we acknowledge and entertain everyone)
-Get advice from experienced players (we are newb friendly!)
-People will instantly know how Furiously Awesome you are
-TS3 Access

Whisper/Private Message Aerinas (Ivy.8702) or Sev Sentinel (Sevor.9501) for more info and a Guild Invite. :]

(edited by Ivy.8702)