Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

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Posted by: Mich.3981


Well HELLO there! Nice to see you. Having a good day I presume? Excellent!

I have been commanding since October 2012 and have moved throughout the tiers since 2013, until settling on Borlis Pass. I rarely come on these forums these days since the death of the match-up threads (Rest in peace.. ), but I figured I would share with you all what it is that made Borlis Pass the right server for me, and why I think it is a good fit for many others:


Wait… Mich… No… It can’t be that simple. You’re telling me one of the main reasons you are still playing this game is because of… COMMUNITY?!?! But I just like killing kitten, so that doesn’t apply to me you dumb care bear.

Well.. ok. That works for some people. You are all smart, that’s why you are playing an MMO in the first place. Search deep down in your brain and ask yourself “What is it that makes me play MMO’s?” Besides the obvious answer that you purely enjoy the game or certain aspects of the game, the answer is probably because you enjoy playing with a community of other fun players who all have similar interests. That’s always been the answer for me. If you think about it, playing an MMO is like having a community inside your bedroom that’s always ready to hang out with you and do things that YOU like whenever you like! (Woah, don’t take that bedroom part in a weird way..)

So, what makes Borlis Pass’ community so special?

In a nutshell, it is active and entertaining. After being on many a server, I found that the communities on many of them were generally lackluster, unfriendly places. If that wasn’t the case, they were nearly too dead to even get a good impression. A dead community does not mean that there is no players – it means that the player interactions are limited and monotonous, almost as if it weren’t players communicating but rather coded AI. On BP, everyone fits in in one way or another, and the varied personalities are all unified by a common sense of humor, which of course is lots of irony and sarcasm (All in good humor, though!) Check out our forum if you are interested in seeing how we interact: CLICK ME IF YOU DARE

What can Borlis Pass offer concerning WvW?

Borlis Pass is at the bottom of tier 5, but has been stable for months. The main issue that prevents us from progressing through the tiers is that we lack numbers and as I call “PPT focused” guilds. Most of the commanders and group leaders here are mainly interested in getting fun fights. Here’s a percentage to define the population in WvW:
10% Roamers
20% Small man groups
30% 10-25 man guild groups
40% Larger guild groups or commanders driving zergs

The one thing you can count on for BP is that we will remain stable where we are in tier and that the community is a lot of fun. Because of our location in the tiers, players can find a little bit of any WvW aspect they prefer, be it roaming or running zerg groups. This provides a high chance of encountering fun and challenging opposition in all aspects of play.

I will be on Borlis Pass for the rest of my days. Although BP is self sufficient, I know many other servers are struggling to remain dynamic and enjoyable, which is why I came here to tell you all about BP It is an enjoyable, friendly, and welcoming community that is always happy to accept new players into it. If you are looking for something similar to what I described above, feel free to reply to this thread or send me messages on here or in game asking for more info (Limited to two free messages per person, after which a flat rate fee of $9.95 per message will be applied to all following messages).

The names Michiepie (Mich.3981), I hope to hear from you soon!

Michiepoo/Ranger Mich

Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

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Posted by: NotKalkz.1286


i wouldn’t pick borlis pass no matter what



Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

in Looking for...

Posted by: Agriope.4523


[vT]‘s home server is Borlis Pass. We’ve moved around a lot, but finally settled here. Let’s be honest, community and interaction is all the differentiates servers at this stage of the game. If you’re looking for fights, you’ll find them, no matter the type of guild you’re in.

If you’re looking to PPT, well… let’s just say you’d probably find it to be an exceptionally welcoming community.
If you’re not looking to PPT, like [vT], no one is going to give you crap for it and many guilds appreciate the assistance of small mans on a map.

Agriope – Purple hair’d menace.
Violent Tendency [vT]; & YouTube Agriope

Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hexxy.4081


If you are familiar with Kalkz, you will realize that this is actually a seal of approval.

I’ve been a BP native since head start and only recently have moved from PVE land to WVW. There are many good groups with good players in them.

On BP I like to joke and say, “What’s a queue?” because even on reset night only 1 of 4 maps may have a queue and only during EST prime time and the queue is typically less than 15 people.

We also have open server runs organized by one of our residents and each week a new guest driver is there to lead us in battle.

There is a good variety of WvW guilds on BP. Some are small. Some are large. Some are well organized. Some of them just show up to have fun. For the most part, we get along fairly well.

BP has personality. This ranges from the level headed Martin Firestorm to the madness that is Warmaster Gibbon to the somewhat intelligible siege master Monkey Shines. ( <3 ya Monkey. )

So come on over to The Pass where the yaks are fluffy, the queues barely exist, and enemies are presented with muffins(*).

(*) Muffins are actually hot fiery death. No muffins are actually presented to enemy players unless they opt to forfeit their Citadel to us and the lovely hand made by Quaggans postcards contained within.

[Jynx] Guardian and “Fire Enthusiast”.
The Pale Tree said to , " Knock. You. OUT! "

Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

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Posted by: Georgeffz.9146


BP best server NA

Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hadan.2841


if any asian guilds move here, i expect lots of asian women that can say “ooohpapihadan” really fast in ts at the same time. That is all, carry on.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

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Posted by: godz raiden.2631

godz raiden.2631

Come to BP! We have it all! Havoc, roaming, zerging on occasion! If you want it, we got it! All for the cheap price of (insert cost to transfer here)!

Godz Raiden (Thief)

Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

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Posted by: godz raiden.2631

godz raiden.2631

Bump! BP is awesome. Come to BP. Do it. Do it.

Do it.

Godz Raiden (Thief)

Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

in Looking for...

Posted by: Avatoc.6043


I wonder if we could get Monkey to post here… think he’s been banned?


Borlis Pass may be the right pick for you...

in Looking for...

Posted by: godz raiden.2631

godz raiden.2631

I don’t this forum is ready for monkey, Ava.

Godz Raiden (Thief)