[NA]-Dragonbrand’s Wolfpack is recruiting players primarily for World vs World and Dungeons. All actively participating players of any current level or game experience are welcome. Competitive raids are initiated three times per week alongside daily dungeons and roaming in the Mists.
If you need gear dungeons are one of the best and most rewarding methods of obtaining it. When you’re not exploring the dark crevices of Tyria head into World vs World to plunder Dragonbrand’s enemies. World vs World is a great way to build up a lot of crafting materials including T6 and an even better way to interact with guild-mates in an ever changing environment at the same time.
Guild participation in one form or another (Mumble/Events/Raids) is required. Log in activity is included in this. Prolonged absences must notify a Founder to remain on the roster. Any and all drops due to absence can rejoin. This is to keep the roster as clean and active as possible for you, and your guild-mates. Become a Predator and mark your foes the Prey.