Can your cardboard box shelter more family?

Can your cardboard box shelter more family?

in Looking for...

Posted by: gekkebasgitarist.4596


As I have few ingame characters, all with a totally different name, it’s probably the best if we keep it to Kevin. I main a necromancer and am currently residing on Seafarer’s Rest, but any european server will do. My IGN is ‘Sister Selaph’.

I’ve been playing this game off and on for a long time and I have been in quite a number of guilds, this for the fact that I can’t find that what I am actually looking for: ‘A big and sturdy cardboard box which I can share with my family.’ I’m not very fond of big guilds, for the fact that even though they have a lot of people, they tend to be more unsociable than smallish guilds.

What I’m looking for is… an awesome group of people with whom I can enjoy some pve, (dungeons, fractals, bosses, or just map clearing), the occasional wvw run, new friends/people, and not too big of a guild. I would love to get to know people through playing the game, than rather just be a number and a face that nobody will remember.

P.S. I enjoy making horrible titles for posts on forums and the dungeonfinder.
P.P.S I’d enjoy it if the guild would have a voicechat.

(edited by gekkebasgitarist.4596)

Can your cardboard box shelter more family?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zaxian.6035


Hey Kevin,

Our guild, Pandion Knights [PK], is currently keeping an eye out for new members and I think we might be a good fit for what you’re looking for

A quick summary:
- We’re a fun and ‘casual’ small/medium-sized PvX guild on Seafarer’s Rest. (Casual here meaning we impose no restriction on how/when you play – we have members ranging from people who play once or twice a month to people with multiple legendaries).
- We currently have scheduled nights weekly for each of: guild missions, WvW, PvP (we currently have a private guild PvP arena if you’re into that sort of thing!), and fractals. We usually end up with dungeon runs firing after the guild missions; we also have other ad-hoc nights organised by our members as and when they want them. Our events tend to start 7pm or 8pm BST.
- We have an active and friendly (English speaking) TS server as well as a website and forum, Use of TS is not required but it tends to be significantly more active than guild chat in game so it’s definitely recommended if you’re looking for the social aspect.
- Our recruitment thread has more info here:

If you’re interested, feel free to contact one of the admins in game – fizzypetal.7936 or Jknrich.1549– or submit an ‘application’ (i.e. tell us what your GW2 account name is and that you might like to join the guild!) through our website, (I think you need to make an enjin account to access it). We’re not too scary so you’d be welcome to try us out before committing to anything

Drop me a PM on here if you have any questions, otherwise hopefully we’ll see you in game


Can your cardboard box shelter more family?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aiedail.5846


Hey hey Kevin.
We are Cthulhu Dawn [CD], from Desolation, and we are currently expanding our roster. A lot of people just retired from the game and we’re replacing these people with new and active players. I know what you mean about being a face or a number that no one remembers. What I love most about my guild is to be able to log in, look who’s online and know how everyone is, be able to remember all the activities we did together. Although our roster seems big, there is a number of people who logs in regularly, and with who I end up running content with.
I recommend you to visit our website (, we have mumble and a facebook group. We aren’t focused on anything in particular, we only want to have a good time! We run a few dungeons and world bosses everyday, and we do guild missions on Mondays.
If you’re interested on this active and friendly guild contact me (Eewba) or any of the following in game to get an invite or more info: Trauma Reaper, Runedrune, Aura Mirage or Ridigroll.

We’d love for you to join our family. Cya around! \o

Can your cardboard box shelter more family?

in Looking for...

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865



[TIME] is a large guild based on “Crystal Desert” server. We adapt a non-discriminatory policy which is to say we accept players of different backgrounds as long they met our simple requirements and abide to our code of conducts which are based on basic ethic and moral principles.

The requirements are as followed:

  • 100% Representation. As mentioned, we are a large guild thus space is very limited but we can assure you that the guild is active and there are always players online at any given time.
  • Crystal Desert resident. Currently, the guild has stop accepting non-CD players as we have maxed out our quota limit on the number of non-CD players we can have within the guild at any given time.

If interested, drop me a PM.

PS: Yes, we are a large guild and you don’t seems to fancy large guild. But, I can only tell you that, I have seen many small guilds disappeared within a year or shortly after a year. Regardless, in a large guild, as long you are willing to reach out, you will obtain friendships.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server