Casual Player LF SEA/Oceanic Guild!
On crystal desert, depending on your time zone and playstyle.
[DNA]- large and upcoming guild. mainly PvX, they are trying to dabble into wvw. mainly NA based
[Ice]- PvX i believe, bl defense in wvw
[Sig]- pve guild. NA based
[PA]- primary pve guild, oceanics
[RI]- sea guild, pvx
[Hax]- sea guild, pvx, small teams wvw
[BA]- PvX guild
[clav] -pve guild picking up more steam in wvw oceanic based
[SoV]- NA based, smaller scale pvx i believe. NA eastern
[LoZ]- new sea guild, PvX too believe is a good place to start. cause there’s alot more.
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
Horde of Tyria [HoT] is a small/medium sized guild and we’re always looking for friendly, active players!! We’ve been around since the day of release (mostly family and close GW1 friends) and we’ve grown from there. We have a very diverse group -all levels and skill- with about 50-60 people that play on a regular basis.
We are on Sea of Sorrows, but we don’t mind if our members are on other servers. Especially with the new Megaserver maps – joining us during Guild Events or Champ Runs shouldn’t be an issue (stressing “shouldn’t”… it can be a little buggy).
Our guild is mainly focused on PvE, but we won’t turn down any dungeon or fractal runs either! We also have members that are really into WvW and sPvP/tPvP. We have our own private TeamSpeak and run Guild Events/Missions every Friday at 6pm server time.
This is our motto: It was YOUR money that bought this game; it should be YOU that decides how you want to play it. All we ask is that you:
- Rep at least 80% so you can see guild chat/message board. (Yes, we have a few members in other guilds).
- Be a contributing member (join us during guild events and other guild activities).
- Be social and always be courteous.
You’re more than welcome to give us a try – see if you like us and what we do. Feel free to send an in-game message to me at Ganele.7294 or to Ms Fire Fox.4286 if you have any questions or if you’d like an invite. Good luck in your search- hope we are what you’re looking for!!
Given you are on TC already, I would recommend checking out your ‘local’ guilds, such as