Chaos Bound [CB] Devona's Rest

Chaos Bound [CB] Devona's Rest

in Looking for...

Posted by: DeathlySeeker.2586



Chaos Bound [CB] is a multi-console gaming clan that hosts a guild for Guild Wars 2. We are very active and helpful to new players. We have a custom rank structure, enlistment requirements, website, and more.

We are currently looking for beginner players to help grow our numbers as we guide you to help meet your goals in Guild Wars 2. If you need a guild that will support you along your journey in Guild Wars 2 then Chaos Bound is the clan you need.

The age requirement for Chaos Bound [CB] is 16 and over with working mic and Skype account within 30 days of joining.

Enlistment process is you must first submit your membership to a Legion Master [Clan Owners] to start your 30 trail membership. During this trial, We will determine whether or not you are mature enough to be a full-term Chaos Bound [CB] member. Once you complete and pass your 30 day trial, you can start earning your upper rank titles by referring new members to Chaos Legions, length of time in clan, activeness, game skill, and more.

If you have any question about Chaos Bound [CB] please contact a Legion Master in game or post a reply via forums.

Legion Master – MiketheRelentless.4235 and DeathlySeeker.2586