Come to Eredon Terrace
As a primarily Oceanic player I do not know much about the NA and SEA side, these are the major guilds, and dedicated leaders on ET that have asked me to put them in the list.
North America
Flames of Courage [FoC] – WvW focused
Roster: 67members, 10-15 active during rally nights.
Prolly the most “hardcore” guild we have left. Focused on zerg bustin, they raid very often and have many group builds.
Contacts: Simba Khan (Roadbull.3457) Airin (Kalasyra.6012)
Website: eohet.enjin.com
Marauders of Serenity [MoS]
A fast pace assault group that is recruiting dedicated WvW and PvE players of all classes and lvl to join their ranks. They will teach tips, tactics and build specifics to overall make your gaming experience better. 100% rep WvW only
Contact: Corvin Bloodmyst
Website: www.Marauders-of-Serenity.enjin.com
Tactical Terror [TAC]
Members: 25+ Active, 5-15man havoc groups
Laid back guild that is enthusiastic about WvW and do occasional PvE. Weekly guild missions, frequent havoc and roaming groups, guild buffs, tight knit community, Should have Teamspeak, Age 18+
Contacts: Kodar.8194, Joying.2695
The Forges of Orr [TFoR]
Roster: 200, 10-15 in WvW when there is a Commander
TFoR is recruiting mature, motivated players for WvW, PvP, PvE, and lots of fun! Guild missions twice a week and other weekly activities. 100% Rep Requirement.
Contacts: Ariel.6291, Dominus.7013, Anylehilator.8970
Website: ForgesOfOrr.com
Twilight Angels [TAL] – PvX
Roster: 70members, 5-10active during raids
TAL is a guild filled with many skilled players. They raid every single day, and are active during the Ocx timezone. The core of the players are from Asian countries. I’ve had the pleasure of fighting alongside them outmanned and outgunned during the off hours and collected many loot bags thanks to them.
Contact: Goonzu Berserker (kjyong.3980), Yoshino Zadoki (skyhawk.5149)
Website: http://gw2tal.enjin.com
Garuda Nusantara [GN]
Roster: 54, 5-10 active during raids
GN is also a guild focused on running guild builds and zerg wrecking havoc in WvW, they also do daily dungeon ones. A hardcore guild that has a great sense of humor among other things. Note you must have a VERY STRONG SENSE OF HUMOR as you will find many interesting things about the guild :P
Contacts: Azureblue Defender (Roti Kompeni.3570), The Judgement Day (Tetsuya.8916)
Will keep the list updated as long as I am active in gw2 and still on Eredon Terrace. Anyone who wants to add their guild should contact me in game (Kiraranger).
If anyone has trouble contacting a guild please message me and I’ll try to get someone from the guild to contact you.
(edited by skyhawk.5149)
I liked it, but idk wtf DIY means… Also, why it’s on Question/Answer format?
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
I liked it, but idk wtf DIY means… Also, why it’s on Question/Answer format?
Do It Yourself
The A: will be somebody who makes a more meaty guild/contacts post sometime down the road.
I’ll form a new list of guild/contacts when i have the time to.
ET, you are the best server i found in defence! Yesterday night i spent 1 hour in tring to take your keeps in eternal battlegrounds, with no success.
Hope you will find people to be more competitive!
AR commander
(edited by Alysia.4635)
Thanks for the good feedback Alysia
ET prides itself in trying to bunker down and hold points whenever possible.
ET struggles in pop but makes up for it in determination. They’ve been through more than any NA server and their players are still going strong. Much respect.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
Thanks for the kind words Arius and Alysia. <3
Pulled 2d place last week, still have the spirit, our day crew is ok, what we need now is night crew!
I love my server, ET. I’m still a relatively new player and I love being apart of consistently winning outnumbered fights.
All we need is seriously like 5 more people during nights and point totals would be drastically different.
Are you looking for easy fights?
Are you looking for a server that will carry you to victory?
Are you looking for rolling over your enemies like they were nothing?
Well, you’re looking at the wrong place…
But, if you are looking for a challenging environment, where you’ll have to pull out the maximum of your skills and yet not be able to attain anything… This is the place for you.
Prove you’re good, and survive in the Eredon Terrace.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Ebay stealing our recruitment thread tittle =.=
On another note now that megaservers are in place ET is just a server at the bottom of the ranks. Why should you transfer to be stomped on by everyone else? Why that is to be with the great WvW community that laughs and enjoy’s each other company through good times and bad times!
Are there any mentors out the on ET who would help noobs transition from PVE to WVW? Or would that screw things up? I enjoy a scrappy fight…
There is quite a bunch of people willing to teach the newcomers… The problem is that the newcomers aren’t willing to comeback after seeing that life is rough on ET’s WvW. >.>
I’ll problably take the teaching mantle again and see what we can do (I’ve been having a lot of free time due i’m being unemployed). But its hard to pick up people from our own server on these megaserver things…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
Are there any mentors out the on ET who would help noobs transition from PVE to WVW? Or would that screw things up? I enjoy a scrappy fight…
We recently had the GL from a newly transferred guild, Svrn, schedule an ET WvW training event. It was very enlightening and well received. He mentioned doing more of these, to include a more advanced version.
Svrn’s 15ish ppl really help make a difference of having another group on wrecking, as to lessen enemys. Anyone that transfers can make a difference be it 1-2roamers, or 20-30active members !
Love ya ET. Great server filled with great people!
With love,
Useless in Parties – Some kitten theif
Hello everyone! Just wanted to say that ET is a great server with awesome people who always try to work together against all odds. We really need help especially during late NA/Oceanic time slot. We are trying to fill the coverage gap in that time. To do that I am trying to create a new guild on ET server [RED] Royal Elite Division. If anyone interested in transferring or anyone on ET already would like to help out pm me in game (Ariana Stormwood) or leave a message here. Thanks for your time.
Active ET members plz change your forum sig to something ET perferably
“I am Eredon Terrace” <3
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
I left ET after the second week of season 2 because I was frustrated, not with ET but with WvW as a whole. Being a night player the thing I miss about ET, and the reason I will be transferring back right away, is that you actually feel like you make a difference. I’ll be back soon to terrorize enemy camps and defend paper keeps from 30 people with half a party.
ET, you are the best server i found in defence! Yesterday night i spent 1 hour in tring to take your keeps in eternal battlegrounds, with no success.
Hope you will find people to be more competitive!
AR commander
It’s nice to hear from the enemy! Thank you.
Loyalty Wins Wars…
I left ET after the second week of season 2 because I was frustrated, not with ET but with WvW as a whole. Being a night player the thing I miss about ET, and the reason I will be transferring back right away, is that you actually feel like you make a difference. I’ll be back soon to terrorize enemy camps and defend paper keeps from 30 people with half a party.
We will surely be glad to have you back. Remember loyalty win wars.
Loyalty Wins Wars…
Basket buddy!!!! <333333 Come back and roam with me! :P
Found our other thread. AGREE 100 percent Et isnt for ppl who want to no brain wvw. Every hardpoint we take we work for. It makes us some of the best wvwers I know. If et had at least 30 in wvw at all times we would systematically dismantle bronze league.
ET Commander
Pro Guardian
Are there any mentors out the on ET who would help noobs transition from PVE to WVW? Or would that screw things up? I enjoy a scrappy fight…
We recently had the GL from a newly transferred guild, Svrn, schedule an ET WvW training event. It was very enlightening and well received. He mentioned doing more of these, to include a more advanced version.
ET Commander
Pro Guardian
Basket buddy!!!! <333333 Come back and roam with me! :P
I couldn’t resist that llama finisher and I spent the last of my gems on it but I will probably just buy some next week and transfer back
I couldn’t resist that llama finisher and I spent the last of my gems on it but I will probably just buy some next week and transfer back
Remember that you gonna be locked for 2 weeks if you transfer back.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
1week if he transfers right before reset/the day of reset.
On a side note ET has been doing well, came out strong at reset and even had a strong lead at one point. Shows that the core is still strong and going!
Yeah if you transfer just before a reset it is pretty much only a one week ban from normal WvW. The EoTM k-train is okay in small doses but its not really my bag. Either way the one week ban will be worth it to be back on ET.
Attention Current ET members as well as those looking to join! We are looking to create an off-hours “guild” (no rep required so you can stay and rep other guilds) to help organize and form up our off-hours fighting (or what we have of it). We are looking for recruits to join to help get organized. The point of making a guild for it is for communication off-peak hours to run an efficient battlefront. You may contact myself (other ign is Varic Mortel) or post here. A new commander looking to join our server (Isis Seraphim) and help create the guild, so contact her as well.
Off-hour, Prime-time, really we don’t care what time you play! There is always somenthing to do all times here on ET.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
ET Commander
Pro Guardian
Fighting your way up from the bottom of the barrel can be a glorious achievment…
Join us and help to make it happen!
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Another great reset for ET. Per player we pack a punch.
Taking the next step forward towards consistency requires just a few more people.
Just wondering if you guys might have a slot open for a new Commander.
Just wondering if you guys might have a slot open for a new Commander.
We welcome everyone on ET.
That said, we should have open slots for new commanders. If you want more details I can direct you to the person/people you can chat more in depth about!
Yes please I’d like that very much feel free to pm me in game as well.
Are there any serious WvW guilds in ET that’s currently lfm?
Are there any serious WvW guilds in ET that’s currently lfm?
I know [Svrn], [EoH] and [TAC] were actively recruiting… These are some of our wvw focused guilds.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
On the guild front as well, [Nob] is recruiting more casual players for WvW. Great guild for newer players (we are very happy to show new people around) but certainly anyone is welcome.

Also like the above said EoH, TAC, Nob, and MoD are probably the ones I see around the most.
If you join ET there is a guild for everyone. We have relaxed and laid back ones, serious and focused. You’l find a home here.
We have an awesome community here at ET! Also the cookies we make are outta this world!
Got a few new commanders from DH and BG come join us and make a difference!
Got a few new commanders from DH and BG come join us and make a difference!
Wtf, DH? Jorek, is that you?
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Got a few new commanders from DH and BG come join us and make a difference!
Wtf, DH? Jorek, is that you?
Nope Its the Wireman guy.
Saved before page 2! :P but seriously during prime time we can hold our own ground, we lose points in off hours since we have like 10ppl trying to defend against two 20-30man groups.
ET isn’t a glamorous bandwagon, but it does have a small tight knit community of tryhards. Fertile ground to grow a small WvW focused guild and learn. Lots of opportunity to roam around if that is your thing. It looks and feels like ET is on another small upswing in WvW again.
Once in a While Mediocre Commander
One thing about ET that I think is really cool is that if you were to transfer here, you will 1) make a huge impact as everyone on ET counts and 2) will help gw2 as a game overall.
More on 2) By transfering to lower performing servers, you can help provide the parity neccesary for games like this to be fun. With EoTM (and just in general) I don’t see a good reason to be on a pvdoor ktrain server. Do you like playing say basketball 9v1?
Come to ET, enjoy the friendly environment and help make WvWvW last.
Do you like playing say basketball 9v1?
Depends… I’m on the 9 side or the 1 side?
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing