Commander looking for T6-T8 server

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: rek.1742


I am looking for a new server to command in. This is my alt account. My main account is in T5. For me the sweet spot is T7 or T6. I don’t mind commanding in T8 but getting people organized in that server is a little more work. All I ask for is to have the transfer fee payed for and I will gladly command for your server frequently.

As long as you have a server teamspeak or equivalent that you use I’m game to help your server out. I have had this game since launch and want to go to a server where killing a zerg actually means something. If you want more info or want to contact me about any interest send me an in game mail message or let me know here. Cheers!

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


Any details or specific things you’re interested in ?

I bet all servers (bronze) would appreciate another commander, we’re fairly scraped for them :p

I sure know that Kaineng would love another commander, but as you might know, we got a very weak NA prime presence, so if that is your time, you might get bored trying to drag the sleeping bears out of their caves.

(Also with CD crashing down the ranks, one of the T6 servers are going to cycle up through T5, most likely either Kain or FC by current ratings).

If you want a good NA prime presence look at FC, they completely wiped us at Reset today -_-’

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: rek.1742


I am NA prime time. I come from a guild that usually fights double our numbers and we are only about 10 of us on average. I am getting an alt into a different server mainly to help the server. Server has to have a server teamspeak or something similar (server wide voip is what I mean for lack of better words) otherwise its a deal breaker for me.

My alt is in a Tier 8 server atm but sadly the server I chose doesn’t use teamspeak (not saying which server just out of respect) so I moved him over there for nothing in hopes of helping command. All it is is pugmanding in T8 from what I know so unless a tier 8 server has voips that the entire server uses rather than having multiple voips ill gladly help.

To answer your question: I’m just looking for fights but if a server is aiming for a certain spot PPT wise I wouldn’t mind helping with that. Like I mentioned before I come from a zerg busting guild so I know my way around.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Yuffi.2430


I’m sure any server would be happy to have an experienced commander join them, and I wish you luck where ever you go.

I also want to commend you for showing us that players don’t always transfer upwards to the top servers (although from T8 I guess technically you will be ). It’s good to know that you are offering your experience to smaller servers – there are plenty of us down here who enjoy WvW albeit at a smaller scale and personally I feel that small lower tier fights can be more personally challenging than zerg clashes.

I suspect IoJ would welcome you as much as any other server. Despite the recent post about the “Entire Server” transfer we still have a number of WvW players and guilds left and we’re working to build this up. We have a great communtiy and undoubtedly we will take a little time to settle and then we’ll come back fighting after all, we’ve been in worse places before and survived. We have a reasonable NA prime presence and an international population so although we don’t have large numbers we do have people in game all the time. We meet your criteria for TS but we’re on the verge of dropping to T8 so you may be looking a little higher.

I’d also like to thank you for your stated objective: “I am getting an alt into a different server mainly to help the server.” It’s good to see someone posting who understands that server pride is not dead despite the gloomy comments made when people discuss megaserver!

GL and HF

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

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Posted by: Gunner Morton.8340

Gunner Morton.8340

Go with Gunnars Hold on EU:

If you are on EU or NA it doesn’t matter, we have people running on both timezones.

I used to play WvW on Gunnar’s Hold, then I took a flawed serverlink to the knee.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

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Posted by: Straegen.2938


I knew the lower tiers were in rough population shape but a commander running a 10 man is havoc at best and probably more like skirmish. Not a good sign when a T1 skirmish group would most likely annihilate a T5 squad.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: DaVinci.8073


Far Shiverpeaks in the eu is looking for commanders.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gunner Morton.8340

Gunner Morton.8340

Far Shiverpeaks in the eu is looking for commanders.

He is looking for a T6 – T8 server, FSP is in mindless blob tiers not 6 – 8.

Edit: nvm, seems like fsp keeps dropping tiers.

I used to play WvW on Gunnar’s Hold, then I took a flawed serverlink to the knee.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: DaVinci.8073


The (most) bandwaggon people have left, so it’s back to the relaxed and cozy server it used to be. no more monoblobs.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: skyhawk.5149


I wonder if any of you read the part where he wants someone to pay for his server transfer…

Retired Oceanic Commander of Eredon Terrace

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sarika.3756


I’d recommend paying for your own transfer. You can move to a server of your choice without any sense of obligation, and if you aren’t happy with your move, the people who paid for your transfer won’t feel betrayed if you leave.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: rek.1742


I’m basically looking for a medium to low sized server as long as there is a single server wide voice com. Avoiding big blob constant 40+ man servers which is why I mentioned T6-T8. As far as the situation goes with paying for my own transfer that may not happen. WvW isn’t really profitable and I literally don’t do anything while in game except WvW. If I pve its because I want to WvW better, A.K.A. ascended gear.

For now if people are relying on me to pay for my own transfer that will have to be delayed for who knows when. When someone lets me know about wanting some help in their server ill be waiting in my current T8 server soloing towers.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: theTurkey.2970


I hear a lot of requirements for your potential server, but what i don’t hear is what you will bring as a commander. You say you want to move to a <insert server requirements> server…. if you wants, you pays. If a server wants you as a commander, then they recruit you and they pays. The situation we have here is you are asking someone else to pay, but you failed to mention what unique qualities you will bring as a commander. Just one more player with a dorito isn’t a strong sales pitch.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Adula.3698


You dont give your guild, yet you say you’re from a zerg busting guild. You’ve been spamming every wvw forum on every website looking for people to buy you… yet nobody knows who you are. Mind giving some background on yourself? Guild? Name?

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Silverstone.4539


CD would rather just have more keen WvW players than a TS commander. I would say over half don’t even use TS. and in down time time zones we are lucky to have 4-6 people on. A commander is nothing without people to follow him/her TS or not. But there is a voice com for CD, and always welcomes more players.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: rek.1742


Alright rather than having the server transfer paid just tell me which server would want an extra tag. Wasn’t really expecting this to be as complicated as it turned out to be. Ill get the gold enventually. @Silverstone CD is T5 it isn’t one of the servers I’m looking at.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


Well, one problem with Bronze is that most of them/us aren’t really organized, so tings like this can take some time while people try to figure out who should try to decide on something like this. I know my own server is a big mess in this regard, and it would probably be easier to ask one of the guilds directly.

I’ve linked this thread a couple of places I hope other people/guilds from my server will see it. I’ll try to contact some guild leaders directly once I get time.

Kaineng Info:

But yeah Kaineng has a server TS, we’re not always good enough at using it.

We’re T6 for now (Also CD will be T6 very soon, which will bump either Kaineng or FC to T5, probably on rotation)

If I where to say a Server goal, it would be to actually have a NA prime presence. We have very little presence NA prime, and large(r) presence in late NA/early night. So we easily have the mindset of "why bother play in NA prime, its 20vs2 anyways", if we had someone that could rally people during that time, to fight and give some resistance for enemy servers (I’m sure they would appreciate that as well), we don’t really need the PPT. We’re not trying to reach T5 :p We would appreciate some "For the fighters!"

Regarding possibility of helping with transfer cost, I couldn’t answer anything without consulting with a dozen people first >_< We don’t have anything like a warchest or such. Due to old server history we’re slightly wary about bandwagons and guilds transferring to server (bad habit), you might have heard about the old Warmachine stuff in Season 1 (iirc). So we’ve never really had something like a warchest, or much structured server organization (that went out with Warmachine after Season 1 ended).

About the player-base: I really can’t promise we have 10 players playing in NA prime every day >_< We have a strong roamer culture, so don’t be surprised if a bunch of people prefer to play solo or small groups instead of following commander. (This is why I’m trying to get someone else to do this, I’m the *worst* sales person ever)

Anyways, just some info and how you can expect most bronze to work. Ok I got to stop typing now.

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: rek.1742


I’ll look into Kaineng once I get a response from GoM. They messaged me and I may or may not go there.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: sparc.3649


CD would rather just have more keen WvW players than a TS commander. I would say over half don’t even use TS. and in down time time zones we are lucky to have 4-6 people on. A commander is nothing without people to follow him/her TS or not. But there is a voice com for CD, and always welcomes more players.

Highlighted in quote. This! On AR we just don’t even have the people to command right now. Bearing in mind each individual guild may (and probably does) have their own VOIP (mumble, discord, teamspeak, gamevox, vent, walkie talkies, smoke signals, CB, ham radio, etc), we do have a server wide VOIP (ts3), the problem is; you’d be talking to/commanding yourself at this particular moment because we need not just a commander, but people TO command! So the “help” AR needs at the moment isn’t for someone to jump in, pop a tag and say “follow me” as it echoes off of StoneMist! We need recruiting, to HAVE people to follow a ’mander!

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: sparc.3649


Just look at this “kills per server chart”, you’ll see how DEAD t8 really is, in terms of “kills” and especially when compared to ANY other tier. So, unless you wish to also help with (the hard part) recruiting people TO a T8 server; you’re going to want to avoid T8: AR, ET, DR, IOJ, and probably SOR, and KAIN (T7) too!


© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: skyhawk.5149


The guy is on AR….

Retired Oceanic Commander of Eredon Terrace

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: rek.1742


Not anymore I’m not. GoM moved me over to their server now.

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grimneo.4158


Not anymore I’m not. GoM moved me over to their server now.

Nice. I used to be a WvW commander on GoM. GL HF

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


Good luck (Please be kind to us!)

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Commander looking for T6-T8 server

in Looking for...

Posted by: sparc.3649


Best of luck in your endeavors Rek!

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock