(edited by Death by Omen.1734)
Complex Insanity - Casually Competitive sPvP
- Bump, still looking to build a good group of players and people.
Currently have 4 players to start things off with, but really need a few more to really get rolling. Again feel free to message me on here, but its best to message me in-game!
Hey, I’m interested in joining, when’s a good time for me to contact you ingame?
Added you in-game, we’ll talk. Still looking for more though, so feel free to message me on here or in-game if interested!
I am really interested in joining, will pm you tonight (:
Extremely interested as well. I will send you a message once I get home (1 hour).
I’ve added you to my friend’s list and I’ll catch up with you when I see you in-game. With that being said, we are still looking for good able bodies. A working understanding of how to play the game at a competitive level is greatly appreciated and darn near required.
Been making some great progress over the last few days, getting some productive games in and building chemistry but are always on the look out for good players.
Adding some great sPvP talent each day, very happy with our progress, and always looking for a few more really good players to really put this guild over the edge and start working towards tournament play.
In case you seek for the 8:30 EST to 11 PM…. seek me out.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
Really looking for someone who can play thief and someone who can play necro/mesmer. Hit my up in game or on here and we’ll talk!
Still looking, keep in the in-game messages and forums messages coming!
Games a plenty every night, just looking for that last 1 or 2 to put things over the top!
If you need a guardian / Ele, I’m interested.