Critical Impact [Crit]
(edited by Beorn Saxon.4762)
Name Critical Impact [Crit]
Server Tarnished Coast / Multi Server
Focus Semi Hardcore PvX
Size Medium (~70)
Time NA primtime (8pm-2am EST)
VoiceComs TS3
Crit is a TC based, multi-server, PvX/WvW guild. Our founding members are GW1 veterans and come from other MMO backgrounds. The guild was formed in early 2014 with the goal of creating a long term, active community of friends capable of tackling the hardest content while maintaining an upbeat and welcoming atmosphere for newer players.
What we offer
What we’re looking for
Leave a reply, send me a message or contact one of our GMs in game
(edited by Beorn Saxon.4762)
Welcome to our newest members Mazodux and MoonCow!
Welcome to the guild, Khan!
Welcome to the guild, Juste!
And Eclipse! Love your armor and looking forward running dungeon tours and wvw with you later this week
I’m tempted to join just because of the apple portion of applying.
Haha, do it!!!
And welcome SolomonLight Glad to have you on board.
That reference makes me want to cry xD. Plan to PM next time I manage to get online
That reference makes me want to cry xD. Plan to PM next time I manage to get online
Welcome to the guild Blue
…AND Damian! Glad to have you both.
Tonight is dungeon tour night: 10 dungeons in ~2 hours > 20 gold and 650 tokens. Looking for more pro (and friendly) runners to join us!
Welcome aboard Kerr!
Glad to have mistyrocks aboard as well. Welcome to GW2
Welcome to the guild Magorvavitch!
Welcome back to gw2, and welcome to the Dragon Empire, ikillomega
Glad to have you aboard Homitu!!!!
(edited by Beorn Saxon.4762)
This is a great guild with a quality community. Check em out!
Hm. I’m very interested!
For the toast!
Hello, I have an 80 ranger. He is in all exotic with three ascended items. Ive been doing a lot of fractals lately. Im looking for an active guild but am by no means a pro of running dungeons. I run a hybrid build of rampagers/zerk with scholor runes. Im not sure if your have rangers since I know we are the step child of gw2, but if so Id love to find an active community. Thannks.
Hm. I’m very interested!
For the toast!
WOOT, welcome to the guild
Hello, I have an 80 ranger. He is in all exotic with three ascended items. Ive been doing a lot of fractals lately. Im looking for an active guild but am by no means a pro of running dungeons. I run a hybrid build of rampagers/zerk with scholor runes. Im not sure if your have rangers since I know we are the step child of gw2, but if so Id love to find an active community. Thannks.
Stubie you are a kindred spirit! I have migrated my ranger from GW1 and I do not feel like a stepchild, and neither should you. Neither am I a pro at running dungeons, but I am a pro at following and being their meat shield! You would be welcome with open arms to our community at Dragon Empire Alliance! Nyn
Nice to see all the new faces. Had a great night running with guildies last night.
Glad to have Crag, Nazarius and Pumpkinspiced in the ranks!
Cheers to everyone getting their commendations last night.
Guild Event Schedule:
Sunday – G missions
Monday – Dungeon Speed Training
Wednesday – WvW
All events at 6:15 server time, come out and join us!
Come join us for EotM raiding tonight!
Running some EotM tonight with the guild in about an hour. Come play with us
Hello, I have an 80 ranger. He is in all exotic with three ascended items. Ive been doing a lot of fractals lately. Im looking for an active guild but am by no means a pro of running dungeons. I run a hybrid build of rampagers/zerk with scholor runes. Im not sure if your have rangers since I know we are the step child of gw2, but if so Id love to find an active community. Thannks.
Glad you joined us Stubie! Hope you enjoy your home away from home! Nyn
Seeing lots of new faces, and planning new events for our guild family.
Hope to see you there
Wow, only a few weeks old and we are already pushing 50 members! Welcome to all of the new peeps
We’ve had a great week growing our guild family, but we still have room for more friendly, active players of all skill levels and experience.
I hope you check us out, or at least just say hi when you see us around
I am interested in joining
I am interested in joining
Nice chatting this morning, if even for only a moment. Guild invite sent, see you tonight!
Had a great night in eotm this evening. Looking forward to seeing all of the new faces tomorrow at guild missions.
Monday’s dungeon night
Won’t you come and play with us?
Promise we won’t bite
I joined this guild and if you’re awesome, you will too. Don’t worry, the apples are put to good use.
P.S. Dungeon night was a lot of fun, thanks for having me along!
I joined this guild and if you’re awesome, you will too. Don’t worry, the apples are put to good use.
P.S. Dungeon night was a lot of fun, thanks for having me along!
Best dungeon run. EVER.
Tonight we’re back with some WvW!
We’ve really been enjoying hanging out and playing with all the new guildies, and we’re still seeking more new faces to join our ranks.
guild missions tonight!
We’ll be clearing as many dungeons as we can tonight. Come join us for the lols and the loots.
We are now looking for WvW players that want to raid twice a week.
Plenty going on lately, but we’re still looking for more friendly and active players to join our guild family.
Updated weekly events.
Come join us tonight for dungeon runs!
Had a lot of fun running JPs with the guild last night, and we’ll be in wvw tonight. Stop by and say hello.
Check out our new and updated website!
Guild Missions tomorrow night, come join us
Friendly people, no elitism, laid back but competitive. This is who we are, and we want you.
We survived the boss blitz.
We are now actively looking for folks interested in WvW raiding 1-2 nights a week. Contact me for more info.
Hope everyone is enjoying the living story. Looking forward to more LS with the guildies.
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.