Critical Impact [Crit]
Critical Impact / NA / TC / LF WvW & Raiders
Critical Impact [Crit]
Excited about all of the new members and upcoming events we have planned. Still looking for more cool gamers to run with
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Looking to join… 80 Ranger, currently leveling Thief… have all the time in the world to play, usually on 6hrs or so a day… 39, retired… nothing to do but game former WoW player, still getting the hang of GW2… looking to learn, team up, etc…
Awesome Sladen, let’s chat in game, looking forward to meeting up
Critical Impact [Crit]
Next week we are hosting a community event: Cannon Ball Haul.
We hope to see you in game!!!
Learn more on the EVENT PAGE.
Critical Impact [Crit]
Had a great time tonight rocking out some missions.
Tomorrow night we run and train dungeons, come on out!
Critical Impact [Crit]
Happy FOURTH errbody from merica!
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join us if you like fun
Had a HUGE turn out for dungeon runs last night and are def looking for more speed runners and those looking to learn
Critical Impact [Crit]
This is a GREAT guild! I love hanging out with you guys in mumble, so fun
Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] Co-Leader/WvW Commander
This is a GREAT guild! I love hanging out with you guys in mumble, so fun
We <3 you too Missy
Also…EotM run tonight! Popping guild karma, magic find and bonus gold from kills so come and get some!
Critical Impact [Crit]
guild missions tonight, come on out!
Critical Impact [Crit]
Come join us for dungeon runs tonight and earn some sweet loot!
Critical Impact [Crit]
The guild has been revamped and we are now opening up recruitment again. Looking for skilled, active and social players that want a guild they can call home and where everyone your name and notices when you log on.
Critical Impact [Crit]
Join us tonight for some WvW fights in the borderlands.
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Recruiting seasoned players or those looking to excel. Guild missions tomorrow night, come join us.
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Come join us for dungeon speed run practices tonight.
Critical Impact [Crit]
Join us tomorrow night for some WvW goodness!
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Guild recruitment is now back open! Looking for more WvW minded friends to play with.
Critical Impact [Crit]
I’m looking for a guild home and DEA sounds like a pretty good fit! I’m new to GW2, but not to MMO’s. I played WoW years ago and have been playing LoTRO for the past year. I am taking a break from LoTRO simply because I’m bored with the lack of endgame content—only so much static questing I can take after maxing two toons! I’m 43 and prefer a relaxed, no-drama environment where people just get along. Historically, I’ve not been a big fan of PvP but the WvW stuff here sounds interesting and I’d like to try it out.
Hey Rhadiant, sounds awesome! We have many WoW veterans so you should feel at home. I’ll contact you in game tonight when I get home.
Critical Impact [Crit]
Hey Rhadiant, sounds awesome! We have many WoW veterans so you should feel at home. I’ll contact you in game tonight when I get home.
Cool—I look forward to it!
Welcome to the guild, Mike!
Critical Impact [Crit]
Looking for more to come join us next week for dungeon week!
Critical Impact [Crit]
Welcome to the guild Nadia and Sarah
Critical Impact [Crit]
Can i Join the Dragon Empire
Can i Join the Dragon Empire
Absolutely, I’ll send you an invite when I log in tonight.
Critical Impact [Crit]
Hi — first, a disclaimer: I am currently on Isle of Janthir. I’d be willing to switch in the near future, but I’m a bit broke right now (poor grad student).
Anyway, I came back to GW2 about a month ago after a pretty long break from the game, and I’m having a blast. I’m mostly interested in endgame PvE, but I’m not too experienced with it yet. I’ve done quite a few runs in the CoE, Cof, and Arah explorable dungeons, but I don’t have experience with the others. I’ve dipped into fractals, but would like to get more experienced with those as well! I’d be interested in doing some WvW once I switched servers, but PvE would be my main focus.
So, if this sounds OK, it would be awesome to be a part of the guild!
Hi — first, a disclaimer: I am currently on Isle of Janthir. I’d be willing to switch in the near future, but I’m a bit broke right now (poor grad student).
Anyway, I came back to GW2 about a month ago after a pretty long break from the game, and I’m having a blast. I’m mostly interested in endgame PvE, but I’m not too experienced with it yet. I’ve done quite a few runs in the CoE, Cof, and Arah explorable dungeons, but I don’t have experience with the others. I’ve dipped into fractals, but would like to get more experienced with those as well! I’d be interested in doing some WvW once I switched servers, but PvE would be my main focus.
So, if this sounds OK, it would be awesome to be a part of the guild!
Hey Sib, we’ve actually had about 6 or so members in your same situation that have joined and then transferred after the fact. I also spent some time on IoJ as well.
So the more the merrier, we’d love to have you on board. I’ve been running dungeons since launch so we should be able to quickly coach you through the other paths, and one of our veteran members is also max fractal rank and will often coach. I’ll send you an invite tonight.
Critical Impact [Crit]
Invites sent!
Critical Impact [Crit]
Hi — first, a disclaimer: I am currently on Isle of Janthir. I’d be willing to switch in the near future, but I’m a bit broke right now (poor grad student).
Anyway, I came back to GW2 about a month ago after a pretty long break from the game, and I’m having a blast. I’m mostly interested in endgame PvE, but I’m not too experienced with it yet. I’ve done quite a few runs in the CoE, Cof, and Arah explorable dungeons, but I don’t have experience with the others. I’ve dipped into fractals, but would like to get more experienced with those as well! I’d be interested in doing some WvW once I switched servers, but PvE would be my main focus.
So, if this sounds OK, it would be awesome to be a part of the guild!
Hey Sib, we’ve actually had about 6 or so members in your same situation that have joined and then transferred after the fact. I also spent some time on IoJ as well.
So the more the merrier, we’d love to have you on board. I’ve been running dungeons since launch so we should be able to quickly coach you through the other paths, and one of our veteran members is also max fractal rank and will often coach. I’ll send you an invite tonight.
We’ve got a few new members (myself included) who are also interested in running dungeons, and have less GW2 experience than you ;-) We look forward to running with you!
Just wanted to say hello to all the new members and to anyone considering joining our family. Looking forward to seeing you all in game.
Join us tonight for some dungeon runs starting at 9pm EST (6 hours from this comment).
Critical Impact [Crit]
DEA now looking for more end game PvX players!
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More dungeons tonight, come join us!
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Great dungeon runs tonight. Still recruiting more pvx players!
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Join us tonight for a mesmer zerg community event.
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Looking for a great PvX guild? Come check us out!
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Dungeon night tonight!
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Dungeon runs in 3 hours, come join us
Critical Impact [Crit]
Hello. I am interested in joining your guild. Mostly a PvE player, but will eventually get into the WvW aspect of the game as well. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hey Captain! I just got to work but I’ll send you and invite as soon as I’m home. Looking forward to meeting you in game.
Critical Impact [Crit]
Thank you Beorn. I might be on later today, but will definitely be on later tonight. See you then.
I actually was able to jet home during lunch, so I sent you an invite and some mail. See you tonight.
Also, I go by Josh
Critical Impact [Crit]
Thanks a lot Josh. I’ll get on as soon as I can. Doing school work right now, so PRIORITIES!
priorities are important, especially school
Critical Impact [Crit]
Welcome to Nadia, Sam, Spencer, Oscar, Sarah, Jamie and all of our new members!
Critical Impact [Crit]
Join us for EotM run tonight!
Critical Impact [Crit]